Saturday, May 1, 2010

Vegetable Soup with Asparagus

I loved the soup made with Asparagus by one of my daughter's friend Amudha's mom in DC. Her mother Mrs Vasantha Achi is a permanent resident of Singapore. She makes lovely soups and some other items right from the scrap. I was really impressed by the soup. Since it does not require any white sauce or such other things, it is very easy to make and at the same time good for kids. So with her permission to blog the recipe, I made it at home. Those who don't get Asparagus need not worry. They can substitute it with beetroot or any other veg. Beetroot will give better colour for the soup. She uses vegetable stock cube bought from the stores like Wegmans.We can substitute it with the real stock made at home like chicken or mutton stock. I had mutton stock which I saved while cooking mutton for podimas.

Ingredients (For 4 to 5 cups)
Big onion-1
Asparagus-Half bunch
Green chili-1
pepper powder-1 teaspoon
Vegetable stock cube -1 (Bouillon without msg).Any brand that you get can be used.
Cut off the bottom and top portion of Asparagus and cut into 1 inch pieces. Cut the onion,tomato and the carrot also. Keep a small cooker in the stove. In a teaspoon of butter saute the onion,tomato,carrot,chilli and asparagus. You can add any other vegetable that you like also. Add a pinch of salt and a cup of water. Close the cooker and cook for just 1 whistle(5 minutes). Once the pressure is released allow the vegetable to cool and grind the strained vegetables in the mixie till you don't find any fiber in the asparagus. Usually this will get grounded in a minute if your asparagus is good. Now keep the kadai in the stove and pour the grounded soup into it along with the water strained. Mix the vegetable stock cube in a cup of water and add to the soup. If you have some other chicken or mutton stock that can be substituted in the place of this stock cube. Add water to the consistency you like. Add the salt and pepper to your taste. Allow the soup to boil for 5 minutes.

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