Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tarta cu crema de vanilie si fructe (Vanilla Cream Fruit Tart)

         Stiti cum e cu vorba aia, ai grija ce-ti doresti ca s-ar putea sa se indeplineasca? :)) pai da, a venit vara, dar a venit si umezeala odata cu vara si a transformat aerul in irespirabil; toate bune si frumoase, problema e ca mi-a cam luat cheful de a sta in bucatarie si a prepara mancaruri bune, de aceea e cam slaba si activitatea pe blog :) apetitul a scazut si el ce-i drept putin, dar tot mai fac cate ceva bun din cand in cand, mai ales dulce...si daca tot e vara si mananc fructe cu kilogramele, am zis sa fac si eu o tarta cu fructe, ca mi-am cumparat forma de tarta de vreo 2 luni si inca nu am folosit-o :)))
         Prilejul perfect a venit cu provocarea lunii iulie "Dulce Romanie", pe care o gazduieste Flory de la RETETE FEL DE FEL luna aceasta si care a propus ca ingredient si fructele de padure, dupa care eu sunt innebunita, asa ca indata m-am pus pe treaba :) Eu ii multumesc de invitatie la provocare si va rog sa-i faceti o vizita, pentru ca are niste retete minunate, tot una si una! Si acum sa vedem dulcegaria :)
         You know what they say, be careful what you wish for because your wish may come true? :) well yes, summer is definitely here but it also brought humidity and made the air unbreathable; everything's fine, but the problem is that I don't want to stay in the kitchen anymore and prepare delicious meals, that's why the activity on my blog is pretty low lately :) my appetite has decreased also, but I still make yummy things from time to time, especially sweet things...and since lately I'm eating lots of fruits, I wanted to make a fruit tart, since I bought a fruit pan 2 months ago and I never used it :)))
         The perfect occasion came with July's "Sweet Romania" challenge hosted by Flory from Retete fel de fel who chose as an ingredient Berries, which are perfect since I totally love them, I couldn't miss them. I want to thank her for the invitation and I suggest all of you to visit her blog, she has some amazing recipes posted! And now let's see the recipe for the tart :)

Ingrediente/ Ingredients:

  Pt aluat/For the dough:  Sursa/Source

    125 g faina/125 g all purpose flour
    110 g unt/110 g butter
    1 ou/1 egg
    25 g zahar praf/25 g icing sugar
    1 lingura lapte/1 tablespoon with milk

Forma de tarta cu fund detasabil/ fluted tart pan with removable bottom

Pt crema de vanilie/For the vanilla cream: 

   3 galbenusuri/3 egg yolks
   400 ml lapte/400 ml milk
   25 g faina/25 g all purpose flour
   25 g amidon/25 g corn starch
   70 g zahar/70 g sugar

Pt topping/For the topping:

   fructe: afine, zmeura, capsuni/ fruits: blueberry, raspberry, starwberry
Cum se face/How it's made:
Mai intai facem aluatul: intr-un bol punem faina amestecata cu zaharul, oul , untul rece taiat cubulete si laptele
We first make the dough: in a bowl we add the flour, sugar, cold butter, the egg and the milk.

Amestecam cu mana ingredientele pana se aduna laolalta, punem aluatul in folie alimentara si dam la frigider pentru minim 30 de minute, eu l-am lasat 1 ora; cu cat il lasati mai mult cu atat va fi mai fraged.
We combine the ingredients until we form a ball, we place the dough in saran wrap and we place it in the fridge for at least 30 min, I left it for 1 hour; the more it stays in the fridge the tender it will be.

Scoatem aluatul din frigider dupa 1 ora si il intindem in mod egal cu sucitorul pe blatul infainat pana e mai mare ca si forma si ungem forma de tarta cu unt.
We remove the dough from the fridge after 1 hour and we roll it with a rolling pin until it's bigger than the tart pan and we grease the tart pan with butter.

Usor luam aluatul si il potrivim in forma iar cu dosul unei linguri presam usor pe striatii.(daca se rupe pe alocuri, puteti sa completati cu aluat)
We gently take the rolled dough and we place it in the pan and using a wood spoon we make the lines on sides.

Indepartam surplusul de aluat pe margini si intepam aluatul cu furculita pentru a nu se umfla la coacere.
We cut off the remaining dough on sides and using a fork we make holes in the dough, to prevent dough to rise while baking.

Peste tarta punem hartie de copt si bile ceramice, sau fasole, orez, etc, pentru a coace tarta si a o preveni sa se umfle la coacere.
On top of the dough we place a baking paper sheet and ceramic balls (for baking), or beans, rice, etc, to prevent the tart from rising while baking.(blind baking)

Punem tarta in cuptorul preincalzit la 170 grade pentru 20 de minute, iar dupa acest timp luam hartia si greutatile jos si mai lasam inca aproximativ 5 minute (eu am scazut si temperatura putin); tarta e gata cand devine aurie.
 Cand e coapta, o scoatem pe un gratar impingand fundul de tava in sus usor. Pentru prima data a iesit perfect , aluatul e foarte gustos, nisipos si aromat si nu se rupe deloc; doar sa aveti grija sa rulati aluatul pana sus, ca la coacere el se va lasa putin si inca ceva: mare grija la cum scoateti tarta, eu m-am ars rau la mana cu marginea tavii!!!
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 340 degrees  for 20 minutes, and after 20 min we remove the baking paper and the weights and we place it back in the oven for about another 5 minutes (I reduced the temperature too a little bit); the tart shell is baked when it's golden brown. 
 When the tart is baked, we remove it from the pan by pushing the removable bottom up gently. For my first tart I think it's perfect, the dough is really tasty and doesn't break; pay attention to the dough sides when you place it in the pan, the dough tends to decrease its height a little bit and one more thing: Be very careful how you remove the shell, I got burned really bad with the side of the pan!!!

Pana se raceste aluatul ne ocupam de crema/While the shell cools, we prepare the cream filling.
 Intr-o craticioara punem galbenusurile cu zaharul, vanilia, faina, amidonul si amestecam bine cu telul, adaugand cate putin lapte, pana il punem pe tot.
In a small pot we place the egg yolks with the sugar, vanilla, flour and corn starch and we mix them all using a whisk, adding milk slowly until we add it all. 

Punem craticioara la foc mic si amestecam constant pana obtinem o crema mai groasa, pe care o lasam sa se raceasca bine. Cand crema s-a racit incepem sa asamblam tarta
We place the pot on low heat and we constantly stir until we get a thick cream, which we let it cool off. When the cream has cooled we start to assembly the tart:

Umplem tarta cu crema/We fill the tart shell with the vanilla cream.

Spalam fructele dorite si le uscam bine cu servete de hartie. Ornam tarta dupa preferinta. Voila!
We wash the fruits and we pat them dry using paper towels. We decorate the tart. Voila!

Am obtinut un desert aromat si racoritor, perfect pentru vara!
We got a very flavorful and refreshing dessert, perfect for the summer!

Foarte apetisant si foarte dorit la petreceri de toata lumea!
Appetizing and highly wanted by everyone at parties!


Felie pentru voi (am pus putin gelee pentru fructe)...A slice for you (I've put a little bit of glaze on the fruits)...

Sa luam o imbucatura, nu? :)  Let's take a bite, right? :)  Bon appetit!!!

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