Monday, July 11, 2011

Ciuperci marinate (Marinated Mushrooms)

        Nu cred ca sunt legume pe care sa le iubesc mai mult decat ciupercile, micutele palarii aromate ce dau o savoare deosebita oricarui tip de mancare! Noua personal cel mai mult ne plac ciupercile marinate, obisnuiam sa cumparam de la deli bar din supermarket cu vreo 3$ suta de grame, desi destul de scumpe sunt delicioase, problema este insa ca nu se gasesc in toate supermarketurile aici; nu pun la socoteala cele la borcan pe care le gasim peste tot pentru ca nu se pot compara deloc!
        Tot cautand o reteta pentru ciupercile acestea gustoase, am gasit reteta care imi place la Mary de la One Perfect Bite si nu pot decat sa-i multumesc inzecit in numele meu si al sotului meu, pentru ca le adoram!!! Sunt zemoase, usor acrisoare cu aroma de usturoi si oregano, atat de bune ca nu te poti opri din mancat! Merg perfect ca salata langa friptura sau ca aperitiv (Antipasto) la mese festive, sau de ce nu, la un picnic langa niste branza, mmmm, senzational! pentru cei care sunteti fani ciuperci va recomand calduros sa le incercati, veti fi vrajiti cu adevarat :)
        I don't think there are any vegetables that I love more than mushrooms, the little caps that bring flavor to any prepared meal you can think of! We personally love best marinated mushrooms, we used to buy them at the deli bar in the supermarket with 3$ for 100 g, though pricey they're delicious, the only problem is that we can't find them in all supermarkets here; I'm not counting the ones you find in jars everywhere since you can't compare their taste!
        Browsing the web for the perfect recipe, I found what I was looking for at Mary's from One Perfect Bite, who I can only thank a hundred times, because we just adore the mushrooms! they're moist, a little bit sour and beautifully flavored from garlic and oregano, so yummy that you just can't stop eating! you can serve them as a salad next to steak, or as an appetizer (Antipasto) for special dinners, or why not, eat them at a nice picnic with cheese, mmmm, awesome! for those of you that love mushrooms this recipe is a must, I truly recommend it and believe me when I tell you that you'll be charmed forever :)

Nota/Note:   eu am facut din 750 g ciuperci, reteta de mai jos e pentru 500 g/I used 750 g mushrooms, the recipe from below is for 500 g mushrooms  


500 g ciuperci Champignons/500 g white mushrooms
1 ceapa/1 onion
3 catei usturoi/3 garlic cloves
130 ml ulei de masline/130 ml olive oil
70 ml otet/70 ml white vinegar        
1/2 lingta sare/1/2 teaspoon with salt
1 varf de zahar/1 pinch of sugar
1 varf piper/1 pinch of pepper
1/2 lingta oregano/1/2 teaspoon with oregano

Cum se face/How it's made:
Curatam ciupercile si le spalam bine--data viitoare voi face reteta cu mai multe tipuri de ciuperci pentru mai multa savoare!/We clean and wash the mushrooms--next time I'll try the recipe with more types of mushrooms for enhanced flavor!

Fierbem ciupercile in apa sarata pentru 10 minute, pana cand se inmoaie putin. Cand sunt gata, le scurgem de apa si le punem intr-un recipient.
We simmer the mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes, until they are tender. When they're tender we drain the water and we place them in a bowl.

Intr-un recipient punem ciupercile, uleiul, ceapa tocata, usturoiul zdrobit si celelalte ingrediente si le amestecam bine.
In a container we place the mushrooms, oil, vinegar, the chopped onion and crushed garlic and the other ingredients and we stir everything.

Punem capac si lasam in frigider pana a doua zi sa se marineze, minim 24 de ore preferabil. Cu cat lasam mai mult cu atat vor fi mai gustoase. Servim cu pofta la micul dejun sau la cina langa branza, masline, sunca, etc.
We cover the container and we place it in the fridge to marinate overnight, 24 hours is preferable. The longer it stays in the fridge the tastier they'll get. We serve them for breakfast or dinner next to cheese, olives, ham, etc. 

Sunt dementiale, trebuie sa le incercati! o sa va atraga ca magnetul pana cand vor fi gata :)) Bon appetit!
They're amazing, you gotta try them! they'll attract you like a magnet until they'll be finished :)) Enjoy!

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