Sunday, July 17, 2011

Frigarui de porc cu legume (Pork Skewers with Vegetables)

        Nu am mai postat nimic cu carne de foarte multa vreme, si cum afara vremea ne permite sa ne desfasuram  in voie, m-am gandit ca ar fi momentul sa postez reteta de frigarui :) toata lumea face frigarui, simple, cu legume, cu tot felul de sosuri, mie personal imi plac cel mai mult cu legume, pentru o aroma mai frumoasa. Sunt o nebunie langa o sticla de bere si un pahar de vorba cu prietenii!
        I haven't posted anything with meat in a while now, and since outside the weather is perfect for us to barbecue, I thought it's time for me to post my meat Skewers recipe :) everybody likes skewers, plain, with vegetables or with different sauces; I personally like the vegetable and meat combination, for a more intense flavor. They're yummy with a cold bottle of beer while chatting with friends!


 carne de porc/pork
 ardei rosu/red pepper
 ardei verde/green pepper
 ceapa rosie/red onion
 ciuperci albe mici/small white mushrooms
 sos pt marinat/marinating sauce

Cum se face/How it's made:

Taiem carnea cuburi 2-3 cm si o marinam cu sos facut in casa sau cumparat in cazul meu.
We cut the meat in 2-3 cm cubes and we marinate it with homemade sauce or bought in my case.

Curatam legumele si le taiem in patrate de marime similara cu carnea, lasam intregi ciupercile si ne apucam de asamblat frigaruile.
We wash and peel the vegetables and we cut them in cubes with similar in size to the meat, we leave the mushrooms whole and we start assembling the skewers.

Punem componentele pe bete si presaram sare/We place everything on skewers and we sprinkle with salt.

Incingem gratarul si punem frigaruile (se pot face si in casa in tigaie grilata sau in cuptor pe hartie de copt)
We heat up the grill and we place the skewers (you can make them indoors in a grill pan or in the oven on baking paper)

Gata prajite:/Grilled

Mai de aproape, mmmm, ce miros divin!!!/Closer, what an amazing smell!!!

Servim cu o bere rece langa :)/We serve with a cold bottle of beer :)  Bon appetit!


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