Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thai Cuisine: Stir Fry de porc, ardei si lemongrass (Stir Fried Pork with Peppers and Lemongrass)

        E timpul pentru o noua reteta din bucataria thailandeza, de care eu m-am indragostit cumplit!!! de data aceasta am ales sa folosesc si lemongrass, o planta cu aroma de lamaie ce creste in Filipine si care este des folosita in mancarurile asiatice; eu am folosit lemongrass proaspat, dar se poate folosi si uscat sub forma de pudra. Carnea de porc cu ardei si lemongrass are un gust absolut superb iar pranzul nostru e gata in maxim 10 minute, ca de altfel toate mancarurile asiatice :)
       It's time for a new Thai recipe, a cuisine I'm totally in love with btw!!! this time I chose to use Lemongrass, a herb with a subtle citrus flavor that grows in Philippines and which is often used in Asian cuisine; I used it fresh, but it can also be used dried and powdered. Lunch is ready in 10 minutes and it's super tasty, like all Asian recipes for that matter :) Enjoy!


 350 g carne de porc/350 g pork
 2 linguri sos de soia/2 tablespoons with soy sauce
 1 lingura zahar brun/1 tablespoon w brown sugar
 1/2 lingura pasta de ansoa/1/2 tablespoon w anchovy paste (fish sauce)
 1 lingurita amidon/1 teaspoon cornstarch
 1/2 lingurita sare/1/2 teaspoon w salt

 1/2 ceapa rosie/1/2 red onion
 2 catei de usturoi/2 garlic cloves
 2 ardei colorati/2 colored peppers
 1 tulpina lemongrass/1 lemongrass stalk
 2 fire ceapa verde/2 green onions

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai facem marinada pentru carne. Intr-un vas mic punem sosul de soia, zaharul brun, pasta de ansoa, amidonul si sarea si amestecam foarte bine. Carnea o taiem fasii subtiri, o amestecam cu sosul si o dam la frigider pt 1 ora.
We first make the marinade for the meat. In a small bowl we combine soy sauce, brown sugar, anchovy paste, cornstarch and salt. We cut the pork in thin strips and we mix them well with the sauce. We marinate them for 1 hour in the fridge.

Curatam si tocam ceapa si usturoiul iar ardeiul il taiem fasii subtiri. Curatam lemongrass-ul si tocam marunt partea alba din mijloc.(il vedeti cum arata in imaginea cu ingredientele)
We peel and chop the onion and garlic and we cut the pepper in thin strips. We peel the lemongrass and we chop the middle part of the white part.(you can see it in the ingredients picture)

Incalzim wok-ul sau o tigaie mare si punem in o lingura de ulei ceapa si usturoiul tocat si le prajim la temperatura ridicata pt 1 minut.(stir fry)
We heat up 1 tablespoon with vegetable oil in a wok or a big skillet and we stir fry the onion with the garlic for 1 minute.

Adaugam ardei si lemongrass si continuam sa prajim pt alte 2 minute, amestecand mereu.
We add the pepper and lemongrass and we stir fry them together for 2 minutes.      

Adaugam carnea de porc marinata si prajim totul pana cand carnea e facuta, amestecand continuu.
We add the marinated meat and we stir fry everything until the meat is done. 

Cand carnea e gata, adaugam si ceapa verde tocata marunt, potrivim de sare si piper si mai prajim pt 2 minute.
When the meat is done we add the chopped green onion, we sprinkle salt and pepper if needed and we stir fry for another 2 minutes.

Servim cu garnitura de orez sau taitei de orez. Bon appetit!
We serve with rice as a side dish or rice noodles. Bon appetit!            

Super bun si se poate face si cu pui sau vita daca preferati!
Super tasty and it can also be made with chicken or beef if you like!

Mai de aproape.../Closer...

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