Sunday, September 4, 2011

Salata de conopida cu maioneza (Cauliflower Salad with Mayonnaise)

       Ce bine e sa pot posta din nou ceva bun, mi-a fost teribil de dor de toate blogurile si retetele minunate dar mai ales de toti cei care ma vizitati! viata mi-a rezervat niste schimbari lately, asa ca a trebuit sa tot aman activitatea pe blog :( vreau sa stiti insa ca am citit toate mesajele lasate, am incercat pe cat posibil sa va urmaresc si pot sa sa va spun ca am sa-mi dau silinta sa nu mai absentez atat de mult :)  am avut o vara incarcata pe toate planurile si am gatit destul de putin, dar tot am reusit sa mai fac cate ceva bun  :) promit sa recuperez timpul pierdut!
        Am zis ca e foarte potrivit sa postez reteta pentru salata de conopida, pe care sunt sigura ca toti o cunoasteti deja, doar e atat de simplu de preparat! nu e una dintre preferatele mele, dar atunci cand o prepar o mananc cu multa pofta :) Enjoy!
       It feels so good to be able to post something delicious again, I terribly missed all the lovely blogs and the mouth watering recipes, but most I missed all you wonderful people that visit me! life has reserved some changes for me lately so I had to keep delaying my blog activity :(  I want you to know though that I read all your messages and I tried to follow you as much as I could and I can only say that I promise to do my best and keep up with everything better :) I had a very complex summer on all levels and I barely cooked but I did make some delicious meals that I need to show you!
       I think it's the best moment to post my Cauliflower salad, which I'm sure you all know it by now, since it's so easy to make! it's not one of my favorites, but I do love it each time I prepare it :) Enjoy!


 2 buc conopida/2 pcs of cauliflower
 1 ceapa/1 onion

 3 galbenusuri/3 egg yolks
 1 lingurita mustar/1 teaspoon with mustard
 300 ml ulei vegetal/300 ml vegetable oil
 sare, piper/salt, pepper
 suc de lamaie/lemon juice     

Cum se face/How it's made:  

Mai intai curatim conopida si o desfacem in buchetele mai mici si o fierbem in apa sarata cam 20 de minute.
We first clean the cauliflower and we break it in small bouquets and we boil it in salted water for 20 minutes.

Cand e fiarta o strecuram bine de apa si o zdrobim bine cu furculita sau cu un chopper.
When it's tender we drain it very well and we smash it with a fork or using a chopper.

O lasam sa se raceasca si facem maioneza din 3 galbenusuri, putina sare si mustar, adaugand treptat cate putin ulei la inceput, pentru a nu se taia. Continuam sa punem ulei pana cand am obtinut cata maioneza dorim, mie imi place mai multa.
We let the cauliflower cool and we start making the mayonnaise using 3 egg yolks, a pinch of salt and mustard, adding oil a little at a time. We continue adding oil until we obtain the amount of mayonnaise that we want, I usually want more.

Cand conopida s-a racit de tot o amestecam cu maioneza obtinuta si cu ceapa tocata, adaugam suc de lamaie dupa gust, sare, piper si servim. E super buna si extrem de rapid de facut si  perfecta ca aperitiv pentru petreceri! Bon appetit!
When the cauliflower has cooled completely, we combine it with the mayonnaise and chopped onion, we add some lemon juice according to taste, salt and pepper and we serve. It's delicious and so simple to make and goes perfectly as an appetizer for parties! Bon appetit!


Mai de aproape/Closer:

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