Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Red Kuri Squash Risotto

Whenever Autumn arrives I feel a wave of sentimentality envelope me. My life in Italy so many years ago pulls at my heart strings. One of the first dishes my then, Fidanzato (boyfriend) taught me to make was his superb Risotto. We would make Risotto con Funghi (mushroom), Risotto con Bietole (swiss chard) and Risotto con Zucca (pumpkin). He would go through the steps with the same care he gave to his Son and all that he loved, so precious in his attentiveness. I dedicate this recipe to you Tino and to all you taught me!         

I have an abundance of Red Kuri Squash in my Garden. So this week I have decided to conjure up a Risotto using my Squash and fresh Sage from the Garden! I have made some adjustments omitting the Dairy and using South River Chickpea Miso for a golden cheesy flavor. I hope you enjoy this recipe, it comes from my Heart!


2 Cups of Carnaroli, Arborio or Short Grain Brown Rice
1 Large Yellow Onion small dice 
2 Garlic Cloves crushed and minced
3 Cups of  Red Kuri Squash cut in ½ inch cubes
1 Cup White Wine, choose a Wine you would serve with the meal
4 Cups of Homemade Vegetable Stock
3 Tbl Organic First Cold Pressed Extra Virgin Olive Oil 
8 Fresh Sage Leaves finely minced
¼ tsp Red Chili Pepper Flakes
¼ tsp Fresh Grated Nutmeg
2 Tbl of South River Chickpea Miso

Instructions for Vegetable Stock:

To make the stock add 5 Cups Spring Water into a stock pot with 1 inch of Kombu Sea Vegetable and 1 Bay Leaf
Add diced Sweet Vegetables like Cabbage, Carrots, Onions, Squash and 2 stalks of Celery
Bring to a boil and simmer covered for 15 minutes
Remove from heat and strain
Place back in a pot and keep on a low simmer


Saute Onion and Garlic in a Large Skillet with 2 Tbl of Olive Oil until the Onion is translucent
Now add the Rice and saute for a few minutes with the Onion so the rice is coated in Oil
Now add the White Wine and gently stir till the Wine is absorbed
Next using a Ladle add 2 Ladles of Vegetable Stock to pan and stir
As Broth is absorbed add a Ladle at a time and continue 
When only ¼  of the stock is remaining add the cubed Squash, Chili Flakes and ½ of the minced Sage
Taste the Rice as it is cooking it should be rice is firm not crunchy
If you need to add more Vegetable Stock or Hot Water
Reduce heat to low and add the last Tbl of Olive Oil and Miso
Remove from heat, the Risotto should be Rich, Creamy and Fragrant
Serve immediately with a sprinkle of the remaining minced Sage 

So in Italy we would serve this with a great bottle of Barbera direct from the local Farmer and finish with a Salad of Wild Greens usually collected by a family member, dressed with Olive oil and Lemon and Crusty Bread from the local Panificio! Mi manca l'Italia e la mia dolce vita lì! (I miss Italy and my sweet life there!)   

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