Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Clatite cu ricotta si dulce de leche (Crepes with Ricotta and Dulce de Leche)

        Pentru provocarea "Dulce Romanie" de luna Mai am ales 2 ingrediente: sparanghelul si dulce de leche. Ei, cum pentru sparanghel am primit deja cateva retete absolut superbe, m-am gandit ca ar trebui sa sparg gheata cu o reteta pentru deliciosul sos de lapte :).
       Dulce de leche este un sos gros preparat din lapte, foarte similar la gust cu caramelul si se foloseste in combinatie cu diverse creme pentru prajituri, sau ca si topping pe diverse deserturi. Eu nu o sa am timp sa prepar Dulcele de leche propriu zis, asa ca eu l-am cumparat gata in borcan, dar daca doriti sa vedeti o reteta usoara pentru acest sos, va invit sa cititi reteta Mihaelei, cea care a propus proiectul "Dulce Romanie".
Cum inca nu am apucat sa pregatesc ce mi-am propus cu deliciosul sos, am zis sa va prezint reteta de clatite peste care sa pun dulce de leche, caci e una din intrebuintarile cele mai comune. Clatitele sunt cunoscute de catre toata lumea si reprezinta unul dintre cele mai simple deserturi care exista. Eu am ales sa le umplu cu ricotta (urda romaneasca) si marar verde, de dragul amintirilor pe care le am din copilarie :)
Inspiratia am avut-o de la Andreea, careia ii multumesc pe aceasta cale.

       For May's "Sweet Romania" challenge, I've chosen 2 ingredients: Asparagus and Dulce de Leche. Because for Asparagus I've received already a few wonderful recipes, I thought it would be a good idea to be the first and post something using the delicious "milk jam" :)
       Dulce de Leche is a thick sauce prepared from milk (or sweetened condensed milk sometimes), very similar with caramel sauce and people use it in different cream combinations or as a topping on various desserts. I personally won't be making the sauce itself at home since I already bought a big jar of Dulce de leche, but if you want to see how it's made, you can check Mihaela's recipe, the person who initiated "Sweet Romania" challenge. Since I haven't had time yet to make what I had in mind with the delicious sauce, I thought I should post the recipe for Crepes, as it's a very common use for Dulce de Leche as a topping. Crepes are well known all around the world for being one of the most simple but delicious desserts. I filled them with ricotta and fresh chopped dill, for the sake of my childhood memories :) I want to thank Andreea for inspiring me!


 Pt clatite/For the crepes:
 250 g faina alba/250 g plain flour
 500 ml lapte/500 ml milk
 100 ml apa/100 ml water
 2 oua/2 eggs
 1 lingura zahar/1 tablespoon sugar
 1 varf de sare/1 pinch of salt

 Pt umplutura/For the filling:
 600 g ricotta/600 g ricotta cheese
 3 linguri zahar/3 tablespoons sugar
 marar tocat/fresh chopped dill (optional)

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai preparam compozitia de clatite. Amestecam ouale cu zaharul si sarea bine.
We first prepare the batter for the crepes. We mix the eggs with the sugar and salt.

Adaugam faina, laptele si apa, amestecand bine sa nu se formeze cocoloase. Ar trebui sa fie ca smantana.
We add flour, milk and water, stirring very well, so the batter doesn't form any clumps. It should be like cream.

Incalzim o tigaie antiaderenta foarte bine si punem cate un strop de ulei inainte sa prajim fiecare placinta. Eu nu am pus ulei decat la prima clatita caci folosesc tigaia de la GreenPan (are invelis de Thermolon), pe care v-o recomand cu caldura, cred ca e cea mai buna tigaie pe care am folosit-o vreodata!
Cand uleiul e incins, punem un polonic din compozitia lichida, rotind tigaia usor, ca sa se formeze placinta. Lasam sa se prajeasca 1 minut, si cand marginile se rumenesc, intoarcem placinta si mai lasam 30 de secunde.
Daca vi se par prea groase, mai puteti adauga putina apa si amestecati bine compozitia.
We heat up a medium size non stick skillet and we add one drop of oil or melted butter before each crepe. I've put a drop only the first time, since I use a GreenPan (it uses Thermolon coating) which I strongly recommend to all of you, I think it's the best pan I ever used!
When the pan is heated up, we pour 1 ladle with batter and we gently rotate the skillet, so the crepe forms, and when the edges are brown, we turn the crepe on the other side and we let it fry for 30 seconds.
If you think the crepes are too thick, you can add some water and stir very well.

Continuam cu facutul clatitelor pana cand terminam compozitia (cam 15 placinte).
Dupa ce terminam cu placintele amestecam intr-un bol ricotta cu zahar si marar bine.
We continue making the crepes until we finish all the batter (around 15 crepes)
When we have finished making the crepes, in a bowl we mix ricotta with sugar and dill very well.

Intindem din crema de branza peste placinta si rulam.(clatitele pot fi umplute cu diverse umpluturi dulci)
We add ricotta on a crepe and we roll it.(crepes can be filled with various sweet fillings)

Continuam cu restul placintelor.
We continue with the rest of the crepes.

 Servim cu dulce de leche deasupra. Bon appetit!
We serve with dulce de leche as a topping. Bon appetit!

Delicios, crema de ricotta merge perfect cu sosul dulce.
Delicious, ricotta works perfectly with dulce de leche.

Sectiune mai de aproape, mmm, yummy!
Closer section, yummy!                   


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