Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sparanghel fript cu sos de iaurt si usturoi (Roasted Asparagus with Yogurt Garlic Sauce)

Please scroll down for English version

       Unul dintre ingredientele alese de mine pentru Provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" este Sparanghelul, o leguma minunata de sezon, pe care sa fiu sincera nu o folosesc prea des in retetele mele, de aceea mi s-a parut perfect pentru provocare, astfel urmand sa vedem mai multe modalitati de a-l prepara.
       Pentru ca am vrut sa pastrez pe cat de mult posibil aroma sparanghelului, am incercat o reteta simpla cu un sos minunat care sa acompanieze fragezimea acestei legume (Reteta am vazut-o in revista Chatelaine). E gata in 15 minute si merge foarte bine langa o fripturica :)


   500 g sparanghel
   250 g iaurt simplu
   3 linguri ulei de masline (presat la rece)
   1 catel usturoi
   putin patrunjel verde
   sare, piper

Cum se face:  

Mai intai spalam sparanghelul.

Rupem capetele lemnoase de la baza si le curatam de coaja subtire (daca sunt mai groase)

Asezam sparanghelul intr-o tava, presaram peste el o lingura de ulei, sare, piper, si intoarcem sparanghelul pe toate partile sa se acopere bine.

Dam la cuptorul preincalzit la 200 de grade pentru 10-15 minute, in functie de grosimea legumelor.(nu trebuie sa fie moale)
Intre timp facem sosul: punem intr-un bol iaurtul cu usturoiul zdrobit, uleiul de masline, sarea si piperul.

Adaugam patrunjelul verde tocat, amestecam bine si dam deoparte.

Eu intre timp am pus si o bucata de carne in tigaia grill, sa servim langa sparaghel :)

Servim sparanghelul simplu cu sos de iaurt (pentru cei ce tin dieta)

E super gustos, fraged pe interior si usor crocant pe exterior :)

 Din alt unghi...

Langa friptura...Bon appetit si astept in continuare retetele voastre pentru provocare :)

English version

       Asparagus is one of the 2 ingredients I've chosen for May's "Sweet Romania" Challenge", a wonderful season vegetable, which to be honest I don't use that often in my recipes, that's why I thought it would be perfect for the challenge, that way we can see different dishes with it.
       Because I wanted to preserve the flavour of asparagus original as possible, I've prepared it using a very simple recipe, with a delightful sauce that would only complement the vegetable (I saw the recipe in Chatelaine). It's ready in 15 minutes and goes very well with steak :)


   500 g asparagus (a bunch)
   250 g plain yogurt
   3 tablespoons olive oil (cold pressed is great)    
   1 garlic clove
   some fresh green parsley
   salt, pepper
How it's made:    

We first wash the asparagus.
We snap off tough ends and peel the base if it's thick.
We place the asparagus in a roasting pan, we drizzle with 1 tablespoon of oil, we sprinkle salt and pepper and we toss very well to coat.
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes (depends on thickness).
Meanwhile, in a bowl we mix very well the yogurt, crushed garlic, olive oil, chopped parsley, salt and pepper.
We serve the asparagus with yogurt sauce on top.
I fried some steak in the grill pan and served with the asparagus.
Bon appetit!

I'm waiting for your recipes for this challenge!

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