Friday, May 13, 2011

Maki Sushi cu sparanghel, avocado si somon afumat (Smoked salmon, Avocado and Asparagus Maki Sushi)

      Sushi este un fel de mancare de origine japoneza compus din orez preparat cu otet si alte ingrediente. Exista multe tipuri de a-l prepara, dar toate au la baza orezul pentru sushi. Maki sushi reprezinta rulouri de orez invelite in foite din alge de mare uscate numite Nori, si umplute cu diverse legume, peste crud, crab, etc....Fiind un aperitiv light, colorant si foarte apetisant, este preferat de foarte multa lume.
      Pentru ca am vrut sa postez si o reteta mai interesanta pentru Sparanghel, unul din ingredientele provocarii  lunii mai "Dulce Romanie", am ales reteta de maki sushi utilizand avocado, ardei, sparanghel si file de somon afumat, caci nu sunt mare fan al  pestelui crud :) Credeam ca modul de preparare este dificil, dar cand am ajuns pe terminate, pot sa zic ca era deja distractiv, plus ca poti deveni extrem de creativ in privinta ingredientelor. Fiind prima data ca le fac, nu m-am abatut de la ce mi-am propus, dar pe viitor, am gasit deja multe alte modele ce vreau sa le incerc. Sper sa va ajute pozele step-by-step, e tare simplu de facut si efectul e garantat :)
Pentru reteta de mai jos, m-am inspirat de aici si particip cu ea la YBR pentru luna Mai organizat de Nancy de la SpicieFoodie, care apropo are niste retete grozave, neaparat sa o vizitati!
      Sushi represents a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice and other ingredients. There are multiple ways of preparing it, but they all have in common the sushi rice. Maki sushi represents sushi rolls covered in seaweed sheets named "Nori", and filled with different vegetables, raw fish, seafood, etc...
     Because I wanted to post a more interesting recipe as well that called for Asparagus, one of my 2 ingredients chosen for "Sweet Romania" challenge, I've chosen to make Maki Sushi with smoked salmon (I don't like raw fish), peppers, asparagus and avocado. I thought that rolling these would be difficult, but it turns out that it was pretty fun to make, plus you can get very creative when using fillings for the rolls. Since it was my first time making these, I followed my plan and didn't use other combinations besides the one I had in mind, but I will make different types in the future, I already found other beautiful ways of making them :)
I hope my step by step pictures will help, they're really very simple to make and they have a great effect on people :)
I'm participating with this recipe at May's YBR, organised by Nancy from SpicieFoodie, which is a terrific blog and I strongly recommend you pay her a visit, you won't be sorry!


  1 "covoras" de bamboo/1 bamboo mat
  300 g orez pentru sushi (cu bob mic sau mediu)/300 g sushi rice
  2 linguri otet de orez/2 tablespoons with rice vinegar
  1 lingura zahar/1 tablespoon with sugar
  1/2 lingurita sare/1/2 teaspoon with salt
  4 Nori sheets (alge/seawood)
  4 fire sparanghel/4 Asparagus strips
  100 g file de somon afumat/100 g smoked salmon
  1 avocado/1 avocado
  1 ardei rosu (optional)/1 red pepper
  sos de soia/soya sauce
  seminte de susan (optional, eu am uitat sa pun)/sesame seeds (optional)

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai ne ocupam de orez.
We first make the rice:

Spalam orezul in mai multe ape, de vreo 4 ori, pana cand apa ramane curata.
Punem orezul la fiert la foc mare intr-o oala cu apa, cat sa-l depasesca cu vreo 2 cm. Cand orezul incepe sa fiarba, dam focul mic, acoperim cu capac oala si lasam sa fiarba inca 8 minute, fara a ridica capacul de pe oala.(orezul va absorbi toata apa).
Dam deoparte orezul si mai lasam inca 10 minute. Dupa 10 minute, il transferam intr-un alt vas, si il acoperim pana cand preparam otetul sau "Sushizu".
We wash the rice very well (4 or 5 times).
In a large pot we place the rice with water, just 2 cm above the rice, and we place the pot on high heat.
When the rice starts to boil, we reduce the heat to Low, we cover and let it boil for 8 minutes (do not take the lid off).
We remove the pot from the heat and we let it steam for another 10 minutes covered.
We transfer the rice to another bowl and we cover it until we prepare the vinegar: "Sushizu"

Amestecam cele 2 linguri de otet cu 1 lingura de zahar si cu sarea si le punem pe foc sa se incalzeasca bine (fara a fierbe!). Luam de pe foc si lasam sa se raceasca. Cand s-a racit, amestecam cu orezul usor, cu o lingura de lemn, fara a zdrobi orezul si acoperim cu un capac pana terminam cu umplutura.
Curatam si fierbem sparanghelul 3 minute in apa cu sare, dupa care dam sub jet de apa rece, pentru a-i pastra culoarea si fragezimea.
Ardeiul il taiem bastonase, la fel ca avocado, iar somonul il taiem fasii subtiri.
In a small pot, we pour the vinegar, we add the sugar and salt and we stir very well until they warm up, but not boil. We set aside. When the vinegar is cold, we mix it with the rice, mixing it gently with a wooden spoon.
We start preparing the filling by boiling the asparagus for 3 minutes, and placing it after that in cold water, not to loose the color and freshness.
We cut the pepper in thin strips, as well as the avocado and smoked salmon.

Ne pregatim de asamblare:
Asezam covorasul de bamboo pe masa (eu nu am gasit de cumparat langa mine si am folosit ce aveam, de altfel foarte bun), iar peste el, asezam o foaie de alga cu fata lucioasa in jos cu grija, caci sunt foarte fragile.
On the bamboo pad, we place one Nori sheet with the shiny side facing down.(I couldn't find a bamboo mat near me so I used what I had)

Peste alga punem orez in strat potrivit de gros, apasandu-l usor si lasand o margine de 2 cm libera in partea de sus si cea de jos.(pe lateral va fi complet acoperita alga). Orezul va fi foarte lipicios, asa ca trebuie sa va udati cu apa pe maini tot timpul pentru a-l putea manevra.
With wet hands we add one layer of rice, we cover the sheet from side to side, leaving a 2 cm space on top and bottom of the sheet. We press the rice until we get a even layer. The rice will stick to your hands so make sure you wet your hands all the time.

In marginea de jos, aproape de noi, asezam somonul, sparanghelul, bastonas de ardei si avocado, toate fiind puse in fata orezului.
We place the asparagus, smoked salmon strips, peppers and avocado on the bottom, in front of the rice.

Cu mare grija, incepem sa rulam alga cu legumele peste orez cu mana, si ajutandu-ne de covoras presam usor ruloul treptat pentru a se lipi bine orezul, (am intors covorasul ca sa se vada din fata cum rulez alga)
With our hands we gently roll the sheet with the vegetables, until it reaches the rice, and we help our selves with the bamboo pad, to roll it forward, gently squeezing and pressing the sushi roll, so the rice sticks very well.

Cand ajungeti la capatul algei, umeziti cu putina apa alga pe orizontala pentru a se lipi mai bine alga si mai strangeti putin ruloul prin covoras pentru a va asigura ca ruloul s-a inchis la capete. Et voilà! (mi-au iesit 4 rulouri in total)
When we reach the end, we wet the horizontal end of the seaweed sheet so it sticks better and closes the roll more secure. Make sure that the ends are sealed.
We squeeze some more the sushi roll with the bamboo pad and we set aside. Et Voila! (I made 4 rolls)

Cu un cutit umezit in apa, taiati rulourile bucati mai mici (eu le-am taiat mici ca sa poata fi mancate usor dintr-o imbucatura).
With a wet knife, we cut the rolls in smaller pieces (I prefer them small, for a one bite meal).

 Si din alt unghi bucatelele apetisante :)
From another angle :)

Mai de aproape...

 Serviti Maki Sushi cu sos de soia si pasta wasabi, daca va place, eu am renuntat la pasta. Bon appetit!
We serve Maki Sushi with soya sauce and Wasabi paste, if you like it, I only wanted the soya sauce.
Bon appetit!

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