Monday, May 30, 2011

Sparanghel si Dulce de Leche - Provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" (Asparagus & Dulce de Leche - May's "Sweet Romania" Challenge)

        Luna Mai se apropie de sfarsit si odata cu ea si provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" pe care am tinut sa o organizez eu :) Poza de mai sus este o vedere de la balconul apartamentului meu si am ales-o deoarece e simbolica pentru luna Mai, cerul e senin iar pomii sunt verzi, in sfarsit verzi!
        Provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" a avut 2 ingrediente principale: Sparanghelul, deoarece vroiam sa profitam de faptul ca e in sezon si Dulce De Leche, minunatul sos de lapte delicios in orice desert pe care l-ati putea prepara si demn de o asemenea provocare. Am primit foarte  multe retete variate si bine alese, cu niste poze absolut superbe, una mai frumoasa ca cealalta! Vreau sa va multumesc celor care ati participat si m-ati sustinut, mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa fiu gazda voastra in luna Mai! sper ca nu v-au dat prea mult de furca ingredientele alese si ca v-ati bucurat de provocare :)  Pe ceilalti va invit cu drag sa vizitati blogurile de mai jos caci nu veti regreta!
    Si acum in ordinea in care le-am primit sa vedem retetele:
        May is almost over and  May's "Sweet Romania " Challenge is over as well. The picture from above is a view from my apartment balcony and I chose it because it's representative for May, the clear sky and green trees, finally green!
        May's "Sweet Romania" Challenge had 2 ingredients: Asparagus, since we wanted to take advantage of the fact that it's seasonal and Dulce De Leche, the milk sauce that is delicious in any dessert you choose to use it and really worthy of this challenge. I received many various recipes, well chosen with beautiful pictures! I want to thank all of you that participated and supported me, I enjoyed being your host for May's challenge! I hope you liked the chosen ingredients and that you had fun cooking :) I invite those of you who are viewing this post to check these blogs out because you won't regret it!
    And now let's see the recipes, in the chronological order I received them:

1.  Brindusa, Cooking with my soul---
         Quiche cu sparanghel (Asparagus Quiche)

2. Ana Maria Ciolacu, Just love cookin'---

3. Carmen, Retete---
        1)  Sparanghel Strata (Asparagus Strata)

        2)  Mille Feuille cu Dulce de leche (Dulce de Leche Napoleons)

4. Flory, Retete fel de fel---
         Orez cu sparanghel (Rice with Asparagus)

5. Mrs Green Foot, The Green Foot---  
          Salata de sparanghel si ridichi (Asparagus and Radish Salad)

6. Andreea Tudor, Dimineti insorite---
           Clatite cu sunca, ricotta si sparanghel (Crepes with Ham, Ricotta and Asparagus)

7. Guvi, Guvi's...Welcome to My Kitchen!---
          Asparagus and Gorgonzola Soufle

8. Alison, Alison's Trials---
          Sardine si Sparanghel (Sardines & Asparagus)

9. Carmen, Bucataria Furnicutilor---
             Salata de sparanghel cu carnati si crutoane (Asparagus Salad with Sausages and Croutons)

10. Antonina, Dulcegarii culinare---
            Frittata cu sparanghel (Asparagus Frittata)

11. Oana, Caietul cu retete---
            Choux-uri cu ciocolata si dulce de leche (Chocolate and Dulce de Leche Profiteroles)

12. Mihaela, De prin lume adunate---
            1) Inghetata cu dulce de leche si nuci (Dulce de Leche and Walnuts Ice Cream)

         2) Cupcakes de ciocolata cu crema de banane si dulce de leche (Chocolate Cupcakes with Banana and Dulce de Leche Topping)

13. Dulceata_de_trandafiri, Dulceata de trandafiri---
            1) Tarta cu sparanghel si somon fume (Asparagus and Smoked Salmon Tart)

          2) Supa crema de sparanghel (Asparagus Cream Soup)

14. Miriam & Bogdan, Adventures in Flavorland---
           1) Asparagus, Sun-dried Tomato, Cheese and Olive Bread

           2) Mini Tarts with Dulce de Leche and Red Currants

15. Boabe de cafea, Life and coffee beans---
            Pulpe de curcan cu sparanghel, mazare si camembert (Turkey Drumsticks with Asparagus, Peas and Camembert)

16. Miha, Dulciuri fel de fel---
            Prajitura Blanc (White Cake)

17. Alina, Explora Cuisine---
            1) Sparanghel fript cu sos de iaurt si usturoi (Roasted Asparagus with Yogurt Garlic Sauce)

          2) Maki Sushi cu sparanghel, avocado si somon afumat (Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Asparagus Maki Sushi)

          3) Clatite cu ricotta si dulce de leche (Crepes with Ricotta and Dulce de Leche)

           4) Tort cu mousse de dulce de leche si cocos (Coconut and Dulce de Leche Mousse Cake)

     Cred ca a fost o provocare pe cinste si multumesc inca o data tuturor care au participat, retetele sunt minunate!  Va amintesc ca luna viitoare provocarea este gazduita de Antonina de la Dulcegarii Culinare!
     I believe this was a great challenge and I want to thank once again all of you that participated, the recipes are just wonderful! I remind you that next month's host will be Antonina from Dulcegarii Culinare!

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