Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tort cu mousse de dulce de leche si cocos (Coconut and Dulce de Leche Mousse Cake)

         De mult timp tot planuiesc sa fac un tort care sa combine Dulce de Leche cu Cocos, caci imi plac tare mult amandoua si acum i-a venit randul :) Combinatia intre cele doua tipuri de mousse e deosebit de placuta, foarte usoara si aromata, exact cum credeam ca va fi! Va invit pe toti sa-l degustati macar virtual, caci e delicios!
        Cu aceasta reteta particip din nou la provocarea "Dulce Romanie" de luna Mai, unde deja am primit multe retete frumoase si interesante, si unde va astept in continuare cu retete pe cele care nu ati apucat inca sa-mi trimiteti. Deadline-ul este peste 3 zile. Si acum reteta...
        I've been meaning to make this cake that would combine Dulce de Leche and Coconut for a long time now, because I love both their flavours :) The combination between these 2 mousses is really delicious, very light and flavourful, exactly how I thought they would turn out to be! I invite you all to take a virtual bite, because it's divine!
        With this recipe I'm participating at May's "Sweet Romania" challenge, where I already received many beautiful and interesting recipes, and where I'm still waiting for recipes from those of you who didn't had a chance to send them yet. The deadline is in 3 days. And now let's see the recipe...


3 foi de blat de tort/3 cake layers
(vezi reteta aici/see recipe here):
 6 oua/6 eggs
 6 linguri zahar/6 tablespoons with sugar
 6 linguri faina/6 tablespoons with cake flour
 1/2 lingurita praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder

Mousse de cocos/ Coconut mousse:
 200 ml lapte de cocos/200 ml coconut milk
 100 g fulgi de cocos mici/100 g coconut small flakes
 1 plic gelatina/1 gelatin sachet
 2 linguri de zahar/2 tablespoons with sugar
 200 ml frisca/200 ml cream

Mousse de dulce de leche/ Dulce de Leche Mousse:
 150 g dulce de leche/150 g dulce de leche
 300 ml frisca/300 ml cream
 1 plic gelatina/1 gelatin sachet

Pt decor/For decorating:
 200 ml frisca/200 ml cream
 100 g fulgi de cocos/100 g coconut flakes
 1 lingura dulce de leche/1 tablespoon dulce de leche
Cum se face/How it's made:   

Mai intai se face un blat de tort cu ingredientele de mai sus, puteti sa vedeti reteta mea de pandispan daca dati click pe link-ul pus acolo. Cand blatul de tort e rece, il taiem in 3 felii.
We first make a sponge cake with the ingredients above, you can follow my recipe by clicking the link I've put there.  When the sponge cake is cold we slice it in 3 layers.

Pt mousse-ul de cocos/For the coconut mousse:
Intr-o craticioara punem laptele de cocos cu zaharul si fulgii de cocos, amestecam si punem la foc mic sa fiarba pentru 2 minute pana se ingroasa putin.
In a small pot we put the coconut milk, sugar and coconut flakes, we stir and we let it boil on low heat for 2 minutes, so it thickens a little.

Preparam gelatina conform instructiunilor de pe pachet si cand crema de cocos e rece, adaugam gelatina si amestecam bine.
We prepare the gelatin following the instructions we have on the package and when the coconut cream is cold, we add the gelatin and we mix it well.

Batem frisca foarte bine (ca sa se bata bine, tineti 5 minute in congelator bolul si paletele de la mixer), si apoi punem cate putin din crema de cocos, pana o incorporam pe toata.
We whip the cream very well (as a tip, you can put the bowl with the mixer batters in the fridge for 5 minutes) and after that we add coconut cream until we mix it all.

Punem mousse-ul de cocos la rece/ We place the coconut mousse in the fridge.

Pt mousse-ul de dulce de leche/For the Dulce de Leche Mousse:
Preparam gelatina conform instructiunilor si o adaugam la dulcele de leche, amestecand bine. Batem frisca foarte bine si apoi incorporam dulcele de leche.
We prepare the gelatin  and we mix it with the dulce de leche. We whip the cream and after that we fold the dulce de leche into the cream.

Cand e gata, o punem in frigider pentru 5 minute.
When the mousse is finished, we place it in the fridge for 5 minutes.

Incepem sa asamblam tortul astfel/We start to assembly the cake:
  Tapetam tava in care am copt blatul cu folie transparenta si punem prima felie de blat. Insiropam cu putin lapte de cocos si punem mousse-ul de dulce de leche.
  We place foil in the cake pan that we baked the sponge cake and we place one cake sheet moistened with coconut milk.

Intindem foarte bine si punem deasupra a doua felie de blat, iar peste mousse-ul de cocos.
We level it nicely and we place the second cake layer, and on top the coconut mousse.

Intindem frumos mousse-ul si punem a treia foaie de blat. Acoperim cu folie si dam la frigider pentru cel putin 4 ore.
We level the mousse nicely and we place the third cake layer. We cover the pan with foil and we place the cake in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Pentru decor/For decorating:
Punem fulgii de cocos intr-un strat uniform intr-o tava si dam la cuptor la 175 grade pentru 7 minute. Aveti grija ca se prajesc foarte repede. Puteti sa-i lasati neprajiti daca va place.
We place the coconut flakes in an even layer in a baking pan and we place the pan in the oven at 350 degrees for 7 minutes. Be careful because they get toasted easily.You can decorate the cake with coconut flakes without toasting them if you prefer.

Batem frisca bine, adaugam putin zahar si o intindem peste tort. Cand fulgii de cocos s-au racit de tot, ii lipim pe marginile tortului de jur imprejur. Eu am pus deasupra si niste stropi mici de dulce de leche, pe care i-am taiat cu o scobitoare.  Voilà!
We whip the cream and we place it on the cake, covering it nicely. When the coconut flakes are cold we place them on the cake sides, all around. I've also put some dulce de leche drops, which I've "cut" with a wooden toothpick for design. And Voilà!

Si o sectiune cu o felie...
And a section with a slice...

Si o felie pentru voi cu toata dragostea mea! Mousse-ul de dulce de leche mi-a placut mai mult decat cea de cocos, este atat de fina incat nu te poti opri din mancat :) Bon appetit prieteni dragi!
And a slice for you with all my love! I've found the dulce de leche mousse more delicious that the coconut one, it has such a beautiful flavor that you just can't stop eating :) Bon appetit mes amis!

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