Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Fusilli tricolori cu broccoli si ciuperci (Tricolor Fusilli with Mushrooms and Broccoli)

        Cateodata simt nevoia sa mananc o salata usoara fara carne sau diverse sosuri, asa ca pentru astazi am pregatit o salata de paste cu broccoli, pe care noi il consumam destul de des. Am folosit pastele Catelli Bistro tricolore pe baza de morcov, spanac si rosii, ca sa adaug un strop de culoare salatei, plus ca au un continut ridicat de vitamine. Daca doriti sa variati salata, puteti adauga putin bacon, branza, sau diverse dressing-uri. Eu am ramas la o varianta mai dietetica de aceasta data :)
       Sometimes I feel the need to eat a light salad without any meat or various dressings, so for today I've made a pasta salad with broccoli, one vegetable that we consume often. I've used Tri-Colour Catelli Bistro pasta that have carrots, spinach and tomatoes, to add a little bit of colour to the salad, plus they have a significant vitamin content. If you want to vary the salad, you can add some bacon, cheese or different dressings. I wanted something light this time :)


 200 g fusilli colorati/200 g coloured fusilli
 1 capatana broccoli/1 broccoli head
 200 g ciuperci/200 g white mushrooms
 2 catei usturoi/2 garlic cloves
 ulei de masline presat la rece/cold pressed olive oil
 sare, piper/salt, pepper
 4 rosii cherry optional/4 cherry tomatoes optional

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai spalam bine legumele, le curatam si taiem felii ciupercile, iar broccoli il desfacem buchetele.
We first wash the vegetables, we peel and slice the mushrooms, and we cut the broccoli in smaller pieces.

Fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor si le dam deoparte.
We cook the pasta according to the instructions on the package and we set them aside.

Intr-o tigaie, prajim in 1 lingura de ulei usturoiul tocat pentru 30 de secunde, adaugam ciupercile si broccoli si le prajim pana se inmoaie broccoli putin.
In a skillet, we stir fry the chopped galic for 30 seconds, we add the broccoli and mushrooms and we continue to fry them all until broccoli softens a little.

Punem legumele peste paste si condimentam cu ulei de masline, sare, piper si amestecam bine. Uleiul de masline presat la rece le da un gust deosebit de bun.
We place the vegetables on top of pasta, we add olive oil, salt and pepper and we mix them all together. The cold pressed olive oil gives them a very beautiful flavor.

Mai de aproape...

Eu am adaugat si rosiile taiate in 2, caci stateau degeaba in frigider :) Bon appetit!
I've also added halfed cherry tomatoes since they were sitting in my fridge :) Bon appetit!

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