Monday, May 30, 2011

Sparanghel si Dulce de Leche - Provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" (Asparagus & Dulce de Leche - May's "Sweet Romania" Challenge)

        Luna Mai se apropie de sfarsit si odata cu ea si provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" pe care am tinut sa o organizez eu :) Poza de mai sus este o vedere de la balconul apartamentului meu si am ales-o deoarece e simbolica pentru luna Mai, cerul e senin iar pomii sunt verzi, in sfarsit verzi!
        Provocarea lunii Mai "Dulce Romanie" a avut 2 ingrediente principale: Sparanghelul, deoarece vroiam sa profitam de faptul ca e in sezon si Dulce De Leche, minunatul sos de lapte delicios in orice desert pe care l-ati putea prepara si demn de o asemenea provocare. Am primit foarte  multe retete variate si bine alese, cu niste poze absolut superbe, una mai frumoasa ca cealalta! Vreau sa va multumesc celor care ati participat si m-ati sustinut, mi-a facut o deosebita placere sa fiu gazda voastra in luna Mai! sper ca nu v-au dat prea mult de furca ingredientele alese si ca v-ati bucurat de provocare :)  Pe ceilalti va invit cu drag sa vizitati blogurile de mai jos caci nu veti regreta!
    Si acum in ordinea in care le-am primit sa vedem retetele:
        May is almost over and  May's "Sweet Romania " Challenge is over as well. The picture from above is a view from my apartment balcony and I chose it because it's representative for May, the clear sky and green trees, finally green!
        May's "Sweet Romania" Challenge had 2 ingredients: Asparagus, since we wanted to take advantage of the fact that it's seasonal and Dulce De Leche, the milk sauce that is delicious in any dessert you choose to use it and really worthy of this challenge. I received many various recipes, well chosen with beautiful pictures! I want to thank all of you that participated and supported me, I enjoyed being your host for May's challenge! I hope you liked the chosen ingredients and that you had fun cooking :) I invite those of you who are viewing this post to check these blogs out because you won't regret it!
    And now let's see the recipes, in the chronological order I received them:

1.  Brindusa, Cooking with my soul---
         Quiche cu sparanghel (Asparagus Quiche)

2. Ana Maria Ciolacu, Just love cookin'---

3. Carmen, Retete---
        1)  Sparanghel Strata (Asparagus Strata)

        2)  Mille Feuille cu Dulce de leche (Dulce de Leche Napoleons)

4. Flory, Retete fel de fel---
         Orez cu sparanghel (Rice with Asparagus)

5. Mrs Green Foot, The Green Foot---  
          Salata de sparanghel si ridichi (Asparagus and Radish Salad)

6. Andreea Tudor, Dimineti insorite---
           Clatite cu sunca, ricotta si sparanghel (Crepes with Ham, Ricotta and Asparagus)

7. Guvi, Guvi's...Welcome to My Kitchen!---
          Asparagus and Gorgonzola Soufle

8. Alison, Alison's Trials---
          Sardine si Sparanghel (Sardines & Asparagus)

9. Carmen, Bucataria Furnicutilor---
             Salata de sparanghel cu carnati si crutoane (Asparagus Salad with Sausages and Croutons)

10. Antonina, Dulcegarii culinare---
            Frittata cu sparanghel (Asparagus Frittata)

11. Oana, Caietul cu retete---
            Choux-uri cu ciocolata si dulce de leche (Chocolate and Dulce de Leche Profiteroles)

12. Mihaela, De prin lume adunate---
            1) Inghetata cu dulce de leche si nuci (Dulce de Leche and Walnuts Ice Cream)

         2) Cupcakes de ciocolata cu crema de banane si dulce de leche (Chocolate Cupcakes with Banana and Dulce de Leche Topping)

13. Dulceata_de_trandafiri, Dulceata de trandafiri---
            1) Tarta cu sparanghel si somon fume (Asparagus and Smoked Salmon Tart)

          2) Supa crema de sparanghel (Asparagus Cream Soup)

14. Miriam & Bogdan, Adventures in Flavorland---
           1) Asparagus, Sun-dried Tomato, Cheese and Olive Bread

           2) Mini Tarts with Dulce de Leche and Red Currants

15. Boabe de cafea, Life and coffee beans---
            Pulpe de curcan cu sparanghel, mazare si camembert (Turkey Drumsticks with Asparagus, Peas and Camembert)

16. Miha, Dulciuri fel de fel---
            Prajitura Blanc (White Cake)

17. Alina, Explora Cuisine---
            1) Sparanghel fript cu sos de iaurt si usturoi (Roasted Asparagus with Yogurt Garlic Sauce)

          2) Maki Sushi cu sparanghel, avocado si somon afumat (Smoked Salmon, Avocado and Asparagus Maki Sushi)

          3) Clatite cu ricotta si dulce de leche (Crepes with Ricotta and Dulce de Leche)

           4) Tort cu mousse de dulce de leche si cocos (Coconut and Dulce de Leche Mousse Cake)

     Cred ca a fost o provocare pe cinste si multumesc inca o data tuturor care au participat, retetele sunt minunate!  Va amintesc ca luna viitoare provocarea este gazduita de Antonina de la Dulcegarii Culinare!
     I believe this was a great challenge and I want to thank once again all of you that participated, the recipes are just wonderful! I remind you that next month's host will be Antonina from Dulcegarii Culinare!

Sicilian Wine Pairings with Sicilian Cuisine, 2nd part

As I promised some days ago here it is the second part of the pairing between Sicilian wines and Sicilian recipes. The article is written by Jacqueline, sommerlier and wine lover. Here you may find her blog.

"It wouldn’t be a proper discussion of Sicilian wine without Nero d’Avola, and one of my favorite Sicilian red wines is the Corvo Rosso, a blend of Nero d’Avola, Nerello Mascalese, and Pignatello. 

Nero d’Avola, quite possibly the most important red grape in all of Sicily, originated in the southeastern part of Sicily as it prefers hot and dry climates, but it is now widely planted throughout the island.  The grape produces wines with characteristics of dark fruit, berries, and plum, and hints of spice and pepper, and a smooth texture. Pignatello, also known as Perricone, is a red grape grown in Sicily and Sardinia, and is used mainly for blending with Nero d’Avola and Nerello Mascalese. 

Corvo Rosso is a very dependable red wine with both red and dark fruit characteristics and a bit of peppery spice to add another dimension to the flavor. The wine is smooth yet a bit on the rustic side, and is best for enjoying with a casual Sicilian dish. The Sfincione (traditional pizza of Palermo) featured in the Sicilian Cuisine Blog is a delicious “pizza” consisting of a soft dough and topped with tomato and onion and caciocavallo cheese, and often enjoyed as street fare. Such a casual dish should be paired with the unpretentious yet equally delicious Corvo Rosso.

One of the most unique and fascinating Sicilian wines I’ve tasted is the Scilio Phiale Etna Rosso. Phiale is a blend of Nerello Mascalese and Nerello Cappuccio, also known as Nerello Mantellato. Nerello Cappuccio grows in the volcanic soil near Mount Etna, and is known for producing wines with notes of red and dark fruit and a pleasant spiciness. Phiale is a dark and complex wine, with characteristics of the ashy soil where its grapes are grown, as well as very dark fruit, spice, wood, and a slight bitterness. The texture is full and dense with a very long finish.

I believe this wine would be an excellent choice with the Brociolone, a wonderful recipe posted on the Sicilian Cuisine Blog which is a sort of pinwheel of pounded beef, and stuffed with salami and caciocavallo cheese, and cooked with red wine. This hearty Sicilian dish calls for a substantial wine, and the Scilio Phiale Etna Rosso would make for an ideal pairing."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cream Cheese Cucumber Wraps

Delicious, quick to make, and just only about $0.42 per serving make these turkey wraps fantastic as finger foods, lunch, or an afternoon snack.

  • 1.5 oz. of fat free cream cheese
  • 1 large flour tortillas(or wheat)
  • 1/8 of a large cucumber
  • 3 pieces of smoked turkey deli meat
  1. Chop the cucumber. Mix cream cheese and cucumber. Warm tortilla for about 15 seconds. Spread the mixture onto the tortilla. Top with 3-4 slices of smoked turkey.


  • 1.5 oz. of fat free cream cheese-$0.26
  • 1 large flour tortillas-$0.23
  • 1/8 of a large cucumber$0.04
  • 3-4 pieces of smoked turkey deli meat$0.34

Approximate Cost: $0.42 for one serving 



"Cassata al forno", the most tempting Sicilian baked pie with the famous sweet ricotta cream filling

Do you know what the "Cassata al forno" is? The Cassata is a lovely baked pie filled with a delicious cream made of ricotta cheese and chocolate chips. You can either prepare a big one or if you prefer some mini-pies just like the ones in the picture below on the right.

Before carrying on with the recipe it's important to make some preliminary remarks. The Cassata is the most traditional dessert made in Sicily together with the famous cannoli.

Thanks to a very renowned line of the movie "The Godfather"... "leave the gun, take the cannoli", almost every person in the planet has an idea of what cannoli look like.

But what about the Cassata? We have two different kinds of Cassata that we call: the classic one, the Sicilian Cassata (cassata siciliana) and the baked cassata (cassata al forno). 
While the first is famous for its cover of icing and colored candied fruits and it is made of green marzipan on the sides (just like shown in the pic on the left) the second one, which is the most ancient, has got exactly the same filling but it's simpler because it is just a baked pie. (See the main pic on top or the one below on the right).
Nowadays you can find both all year long, but remain traditional of big important festivities like Christmas and Easter.

The origins of this dessert with ricotta cream go probably back to the Arabic domination (IX- XI centuries), but the version with marzipan and candied fruits was created more recently in the middle of XIXth century from a patisserie chef named Gulì.

About the etimology of the word cassata is still uncertain. Some people think that comes from the Arabic qas'at, that was the rounded bowl or basin where the cassata was prepared, that gives it that particular shape, some others think comes from the latin caseus, that is cheese, probably in reference to the ricotta cheese that fill the pie.

To prepare about 10 mini-pies or just one big baked pie instead, you will need:

For the dough
500 gr flour - 
200 gr lard - 100 gr caster sugar - 2 eggs + 2 yolks - half glass of Marsala wine - a pinch of salt

1. Let soften the lard out of the fridge, then mix it with the sugar until the result is smooth and soft.
2. On a surface put the flour and making a well put inside the mix of lard plus eggs, some of the Marsala and the pinch of salt. 3. Mix well all the ingredients until you have a soft dough. In case is a bit hard, add the other Marsala, then make a ball and place in the fridge for about an hour. 

For the ricotta cream
500 gr sheep fresh ricotta cheese - 300 gr sugar - 80 gr dark chocolate chips - 60 gr zuccata (which is a candied kind of big zucchini or cougettes) - cinnamon in powder - icing sugar - (In addition lemon zest if liked).

1. Sift the ricotta cheese in a sieve and mix it with the sugar. 2. Stir until it turns very soft and creamy, then add some dark chocolate 
chopped in small pieces (or chocolate chips if you have) and cinnamon to parfume the cream. 3. If you like it, cut the piece of zuccata in tiny cubes and mix them to the cream. Its taste is very delicate.
4. Now prepare the pie as usual, dividing the dough in two parts, one a bit bigger for the bottom part. 5. Roll out the first half of the dough on the special cassata tin, giving a rounded shape, fill with the ricotta cream and cover with the second half of pastry, that has to be flat.
6. Careful in sealing the sides of the pastry well, so that the cream inside won't come out with the heat of the oven.
7. Bake for about 45-50 minutes at a temperature of 180° C. It obviously has to be brown.
8. When is ready and has cooled down a bit, sprinkle with icing sugar and cinnamon powder if you like. Usually here in the patisserie you find a checked or a rhombus decoration done with sugar and cinnamon.

If you have some left-over place it in the fridge, it will be still perfect for the following 2 or 3 days (especially if your ricotta cheese was really fresh!) and you will be able to enjoy it for more than just one day!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tort cu mousse de dulce de leche si cocos (Coconut and Dulce de Leche Mousse Cake)

         De mult timp tot planuiesc sa fac un tort care sa combine Dulce de Leche cu Cocos, caci imi plac tare mult amandoua si acum i-a venit randul :) Combinatia intre cele doua tipuri de mousse e deosebit de placuta, foarte usoara si aromata, exact cum credeam ca va fi! Va invit pe toti sa-l degustati macar virtual, caci e delicios!
        Cu aceasta reteta particip din nou la provocarea "Dulce Romanie" de luna Mai, unde deja am primit multe retete frumoase si interesante, si unde va astept in continuare cu retete pe cele care nu ati apucat inca sa-mi trimiteti. Deadline-ul este peste 3 zile. Si acum reteta...
        I've been meaning to make this cake that would combine Dulce de Leche and Coconut for a long time now, because I love both their flavours :) The combination between these 2 mousses is really delicious, very light and flavourful, exactly how I thought they would turn out to be! I invite you all to take a virtual bite, because it's divine!
        With this recipe I'm participating at May's "Sweet Romania" challenge, where I already received many beautiful and interesting recipes, and where I'm still waiting for recipes from those of you who didn't had a chance to send them yet. The deadline is in 3 days. And now let's see the recipe...


3 foi de blat de tort/3 cake layers
(vezi reteta aici/see recipe here):
 6 oua/6 eggs
 6 linguri zahar/6 tablespoons with sugar
 6 linguri faina/6 tablespoons with cake flour
 1/2 lingurita praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder

Mousse de cocos/ Coconut mousse:
 200 ml lapte de cocos/200 ml coconut milk
 100 g fulgi de cocos mici/100 g coconut small flakes
 1 plic gelatina/1 gelatin sachet
 2 linguri de zahar/2 tablespoons with sugar
 200 ml frisca/200 ml cream

Mousse de dulce de leche/ Dulce de Leche Mousse:
 150 g dulce de leche/150 g dulce de leche
 300 ml frisca/300 ml cream
 1 plic gelatina/1 gelatin sachet

Pt decor/For decorating:
 200 ml frisca/200 ml cream
 100 g fulgi de cocos/100 g coconut flakes
 1 lingura dulce de leche/1 tablespoon dulce de leche
Cum se face/How it's made:   

Mai intai se face un blat de tort cu ingredientele de mai sus, puteti sa vedeti reteta mea de pandispan daca dati click pe link-ul pus acolo. Cand blatul de tort e rece, il taiem in 3 felii.
We first make a sponge cake with the ingredients above, you can follow my recipe by clicking the link I've put there.  When the sponge cake is cold we slice it in 3 layers.

Pt mousse-ul de cocos/For the coconut mousse:
Intr-o craticioara punem laptele de cocos cu zaharul si fulgii de cocos, amestecam si punem la foc mic sa fiarba pentru 2 minute pana se ingroasa putin.
In a small pot we put the coconut milk, sugar and coconut flakes, we stir and we let it boil on low heat for 2 minutes, so it thickens a little.

Preparam gelatina conform instructiunilor de pe pachet si cand crema de cocos e rece, adaugam gelatina si amestecam bine.
We prepare the gelatin following the instructions we have on the package and when the coconut cream is cold, we add the gelatin and we mix it well.

Batem frisca foarte bine (ca sa se bata bine, tineti 5 minute in congelator bolul si paletele de la mixer), si apoi punem cate putin din crema de cocos, pana o incorporam pe toata.
We whip the cream very well (as a tip, you can put the bowl with the mixer batters in the fridge for 5 minutes) and after that we add coconut cream until we mix it all.

Punem mousse-ul de cocos la rece/ We place the coconut mousse in the fridge.

Pt mousse-ul de dulce de leche/For the Dulce de Leche Mousse:
Preparam gelatina conform instructiunilor si o adaugam la dulcele de leche, amestecand bine. Batem frisca foarte bine si apoi incorporam dulcele de leche.
We prepare the gelatin  and we mix it with the dulce de leche. We whip the cream and after that we fold the dulce de leche into the cream.

Cand e gata, o punem in frigider pentru 5 minute.
When the mousse is finished, we place it in the fridge for 5 minutes.

Incepem sa asamblam tortul astfel/We start to assembly the cake:
  Tapetam tava in care am copt blatul cu folie transparenta si punem prima felie de blat. Insiropam cu putin lapte de cocos si punem mousse-ul de dulce de leche.
  We place foil in the cake pan that we baked the sponge cake and we place one cake sheet moistened with coconut milk.

Intindem foarte bine si punem deasupra a doua felie de blat, iar peste mousse-ul de cocos.
We level it nicely and we place the second cake layer, and on top the coconut mousse.

Intindem frumos mousse-ul si punem a treia foaie de blat. Acoperim cu folie si dam la frigider pentru cel putin 4 ore.
We level the mousse nicely and we place the third cake layer. We cover the pan with foil and we place the cake in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Pentru decor/For decorating:
Punem fulgii de cocos intr-un strat uniform intr-o tava si dam la cuptor la 175 grade pentru 7 minute. Aveti grija ca se prajesc foarte repede. Puteti sa-i lasati neprajiti daca va place.
We place the coconut flakes in an even layer in a baking pan and we place the pan in the oven at 350 degrees for 7 minutes. Be careful because they get toasted easily.You can decorate the cake with coconut flakes without toasting them if you prefer.

Batem frisca bine, adaugam putin zahar si o intindem peste tort. Cand fulgii de cocos s-au racit de tot, ii lipim pe marginile tortului de jur imprejur. Eu am pus deasupra si niste stropi mici de dulce de leche, pe care i-am taiat cu o scobitoare.  Voilà!
We whip the cream and we place it on the cake, covering it nicely. When the coconut flakes are cold we place them on the cake sides, all around. I've also put some dulce de leche drops, which I've "cut" with a wooden toothpick for design. And Voilà!

Si o sectiune cu o felie...
And a section with a slice...

Si o felie pentru voi cu toata dragostea mea! Mousse-ul de dulce de leche mi-a placut mai mult decat cea de cocos, este atat de fina incat nu te poti opri din mancat :) Bon appetit prieteni dragi!
And a slice for you with all my love! I've found the dulce de leche mousse more delicious that the coconut one, it has such a beautiful flavor that you just can't stop eating :) Bon appetit mes amis!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A few pictures...

Barbecue-grilled beef tri-tip
 Tokyo turnips, braised in butter
Bok choy sautéed in sunflower oil with green garlic, in a wok

Flashy English peas and carrots from my weekly organic vegetable box

Lemon chicken with olives, in a tomato sauce, with yellow chard
(recipe coming up...)