Monday, June 27, 2011

Budinca dulce de paste (Sweet Pasta Pudding)

         Trebuie sa va spun ca nu am tinut niciodata dieta la mancare, pe de o parte pentru ca sunt destul de slabuta pentru inaltimea mea si pe de alta parte pentru ca nu cred ca ma pot disciplina la capitolul acesta...ei, de cand am blogul am inceput sa prepar mai multe dulciuri si incepe sa se vada la cantar :)) nu mult, vreun 1-2 kg in plus, dar pentru mine e deja alarmant si e musai sa o las mai moale cu dulciurile si cu caloriile in mancare, cel putin pentru un timp...asta nu inseamna ca nu ma abat din cand in cand :) ca sa inchei seria de retete dulci din perioada recenta am zis sa prezint repede budinca de paste dulci, daca tot nu am mancat de foarte mult timp :)
         Budinca de taitei cu branza de vaci sau Vargabeles, este de origine ungureasca si e una dintre cele mai usoare retete de preparat, rapida si foarte apreciata de toata lumea, mai ales de cei mici :)
         I must say that I've never been on a food diet in my life, partly because I'm kind of skinny for my height and also because I can't really discipline myself when it comes to food...well, since I started posting recipes here I also began making more sweets and it's starting to show up on the scale :)) not too much, 1-2 kg more than usual, but for me that's an alarm signal and I must cut down on sweets and high calorie dishes, at least for a while...that doesn't mean I can't make exceptions once in a while :) to close the recent series of sweet recipes I thought I should post the Sweet Pasta Pudding recipe, since I can't remember when I last ate this delicious dessert :) 
         Sweet Pasta Pudding with Cottage Cheese or Vargabeles is a Hungarian recipe, very simple to make but highly appreciated by everyone, especially by kids :)


250 g paste/250 g pasta
250 g branza de vaci/250 g cottage cheese
100 g smantana/100 g sour cream
3 oua/3 eggs
5 linguri cu zahar (eu am folosit brun)/5 tablespoons with sugar (I used brown sugar)   
zahar vanilat/vanilla sugar 
coaja de lamaie/lemon peel 

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet, si cand sunt fierte le punem in strecuratoare si le lasam sa se raceasca putin.
Intr-un bol amestecam branza de vaci cu 2 galbenusuri, zaharul, coaja de lamaie si smantana.
We cook the pasta following the instructions on the package and when they're done, we drain them and let them cool slightly.
In a bowl we combine together cottage cheese with 2 egg yolks, sugar, lemon peel and sour cream.

Adaugam pastele scurse de apa si le amestecam bine.
We add the pasta and we combine them with the liquid.

Batem albusurile cu un varf de sare si le incorporam usor in compozitia de paste.
We beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and we gently fold them in the pasta mixture.

Tapetam o forma cu unt si faina si punem compozitia de paste. Batem oul ramas si il turnam deasupra.
We grease and flour a baking dish and we place the pasta mixture. We beat the remained egg and we pour it on top.

Punem forma in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 35-40 minute, pana se rumeneste frumos deasupra.
We place the baking dish in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, until it's golden brown on top.  

Lasam sa se raceasca si servim!
We let it cool slightly and then we serve!

Minunata la micul dejun! Bon appetit mes amis :) /Lovely for breakfast! Bon appetit mes amis :)

Eu am servit cu zmeura, e fructul meu preferat!!! se poate servi si cu nutella, dulceata de caise, etc...
I served it with raspberry, it's my favorite fruit of all!!! it can also be served with Nutella, apricot jam, etc...


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