Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Negresa cu cireșe (Cherry Brownies)

          Luna aceasta provocarea "Dulce Romanie" a fost gazduita de draguta de Antonina, care a propus ca ingrediente principale menta si cireșele. Cum eu nu sunt fan prea mare al mentei, decat in ceai si alte cateva bauturi, am ales sa fac ceva delicios si anume negresa cu cireșe cu care sa particip la provocare. Cred ca este o dulcegarie minunata care scoate in relief foarte tare aroma cireșelor dulci, iar in combinatie cu ciocolata este fantastica!
         Am cautat pe net retete pentru brownie si cea care mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost cea vazuta la Clipe dulci si parfumate, arata spectaculos! Negresa mi-a iesit superb, desi o idee mai amara decat mi-ar fi placut, am fost atat de concentrata la reteta, incat am uitat sa verific cat de dulce e inainte sa o pun la cuptor, dar lasand la o parte asta a fost delicioasa, ciocolatoasa si aromata exact cum trebuie sa fie, un desert pacatos! Mirosul din casa era to die for, nu alta, iar atunci cand imbuci din ea, papilele gustative sunt inundate de combinatia de arome dintre ciocolata si cireșe, mmmm, divin! pentru cei care iubiti ciocolata este un MUST sa incercati reteta!
         This month Romania's "Sweet Challenge" was hosted by Antonina, who chose Mint and Cherries as main ingredients. Since I'm not a huge fan of Mint, other than maybe tea and a couple more drinks, I chose to use Cherries to make a Cherry Brownie for this challenge. I think it's a wonderful dessert which brings out the flavour from the sweet cherries, and combined with chocolate it's fantastic!
         I've been browsing the web for a brownie recipe and I found one that I liked most at Clipe dulci si parfumate, it looks spectacular! My Cherry Brownie turned out beautifully, though a little more bitter than I wanted it, I was so concentrated following the recipe that I forgot to taste the batter before I placed it in the oven, but besides that it was delicious, with lots of chocolate as it should be, a sinful dessert! The smell was to die for, and the moment you took a bite, your taste buds were flooded with the combination of flavors between chocolate and cherries, mmmmm, divine! for those of you who love chocolate this recipe is a MUST!


120 g unt la temp camerei/120 g butter at room temp
150 g faina/150 g all purpose flour
150 g zahar/150 g sugar
3 oua/3 eggs
200 g iaurt simplu sau cu cireșe/200 g plain or cherry yogurt
4 linguri cacao/4 tablespoons with cocoa
100 g ciocolata neagra taiata bucatele/100 g chopped dark chocolate
300 g cireșe fara samburi/300 g pitted cherries
1/2 lta praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
1 vf de sare/1 pinch of salt
Cum se face/How it's made:  

Nota:   Pentru o negresa delicioasa, va recomand sa folositi cacao de calitate foarte buna (eu aveam de la Hersheys) si ciocolata de minim 70% continut de cacao. Daca vreti sa aiba un gust mai dulce si nu usor amarui, va recomand sa folositi ciocolata cu lapte in loc de ciocolata neagra, cu mentiunea ca va fi mai deschisa la culoare desigur.
Note:   For a delicious brownie I recommend you use good quality cocoa (I had Hersheys) and chocolate with minimum 70% cocoa. If you prefer a sweeter brownie not bitter-sweet, I recommend you replace the dark chocolate with milk chocolate, with the note that the color will be lighter obvious.

Mai intai spalam foarte bine ciresele si le scoatem samburii (eu am avut unealta pt asta)
We first wash the cherries and remove the pit of each cherry with a cherry pitter.

Intr-un bol mare, amestecam untul aflat la temperatura camerei cu zaharul, pana devine ca o crema si incorporam treptat galbenusurile.
In a large bowl we mix the butter with the sugar until we obtain a smooth cream and we slowly add the yolks in one at a time.

Adaugam iaurtul, in cazul meu iaurt de cireșe si amestecam.
We add the yogurt, in my case cherry yogurt and we mix.

Intr-un bol separat combinam faina cu cacao, praf de copt si sare si incorporam treptat ingredientele uscate la compozitia de unt.
In a separate bowl we combine the flour with the cocoa, salt and baking powder and we gently fold the dry ingredients in the butter mixture.          

Adaugam ciocolata taiata bucati iar apoi albusurile batute spuma, incorporand usor (era sa uit de ciocolata :)))
We add the chopped chocolate and after that the whipped egg whites slowly folding them in the mixture (I almost forgot about the chocolate :))0

Tapetam o tava cu unt si faina si intindem frumos compozitia de negresa.(tava mea are 33x22 cm) si adaugam ciresele scurse de zeama si fara samburi.
We grease and flour a baking pan and we spread the brownie batter evenly.(my pan is 33x22 cm) and we add the drained and pitted cherries.

Introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 25-30 minute (eu am lasat doar 22 minute), cu mentiunea ca negresa nu trebuie lasata mult in cuptor sa nu se usuce; e gata cand introduceti o scobitoare in mijloc si iese fara aluat pe ea, dar totusi umeda.
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes (I left it for 22 min), with the note that the brownie doesn't have to stay in the oven too much, because it gets dry; it's ready when a wooden toothpick inserted in the middle comes out without any batter on it, but still moist.

O scoatem din cuptor, o lasam sa se raceasca pe un gratar si o taiem dreptunghiuri.
We remove it from the oven, we let it cool down on a rack and we slice it in rectangle cuts.

Delicios, o sa va lingeti pe degete!
Delicious, you'll lick your fingers!

Checul este umed, ciocolatos si aromat la maxim!
The brownie is moist, packed with melted chocolate and lots of flavour!         

Si acum atacam!!! Bon appetit mes amis!
And now we attack!!! Bon appetit mes amis!


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