Saturday, June 11, 2011

Coconut Blueberry Crumble

          Zilele trecute Antonina de la Dulcegarii Culinare a preparat un blueberry crumble minunat care m-a tentat foarte rau, asa ca a doua zi dimineata l-am executat si eu :) eu am folosit faina de cocos care e fara gluten si foarte gustoasa! a iesit o minunatie de aroma si culoare, asa ca ii multumesc Antoninei pentru inspiratie si va invit cu mult drag sa-i vizitati blogul, pentru ca veti gasi multe "dulcegarii" preparate cu mult suflet de ea!
         A couple of days ago, Antonina from Dulcegarii Culinare prepared a lovely Blueberry Crumble that has tempted me so bad that the next day I made it as well :) I used coconut flour which is gluten free and very tasty! What resulted was a marvel of flavour and colour, so I have to thank Antonina for inspiring me and I invite everyone to go and check her blog out, because you'll find many lovely dishes prepared with lots of love by her!


 100 g faina de cocos/100 g coconut flour
 60 g unt/60 g butter
 40 g nuci macinate/40 g ground walnuts           
 50 g zahar brun/50 g brown sugar
 3 linguri cu whisky/3 tablespoons with whisky
4 linguri suc de lamaie/4 tablespoons with lemon juice
 300 g afine/300 g blueberry
 nuci bucati/chopped walnuts 
 fulgi de cocos optional/coconut flakes optional      

Cum se face/How it's made:   

 Recent am cumparat niste faina de cocos, de aceea am zis ca e o ocazie buna sa o folosesc. E foarte light, fara gluten si extrem de aromata, v-o recomand sincer pentru deserturi!
 I've recently bought some coconut flour so I used it for the crumble. It's very light, gluten free and extremely flavourful, I recommend it for desserts!

Pt crumble am amestecat faina de cocos cu untul, zaharul brun si whisky.
For the crumble I combined the coconut flour with butter, brown sugar and whisky.

Amestecam ingredientele pana cand obtinem crumble-ul. Il punem in frigider pana cand ne ocupam de afine.
We mix them all until we obtain the crumble. We place it in the fridge until we wash the blueberry.

 Spalam afinele bine/We wash the blueberry.

Impartim afinele in forme si adaugam cate o lingura de zahar in fiecare forma.
We place the blueberry in each form and we add 1 tablespoon with sugar on top.

Adaugam nuci maruntite deasupra si cate o lingura de suc de lamaie.
We add chopped walnuts on top and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in each form.

Adaugam crumble-ul deasupra si cate o lingura de zahar presarata.
We add the crumble on top and 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Dam formele la cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade pentru 30 de minute. Cand sunt gata presaram fulgi de cocos deasupra.
We place the ramekins in the preheated oven at 360 degrees for 30 minutes. When it's done, we sprinkle some coconut flakes on top.

Minunat, o aroma grozava in toata casa si o culoare superba! Bineinteles ca puteti prepara crumble-ul cu ce fructe doriti! Bon appetit!
Wonderful, a lovely flavour in my house and a beautiful colour! Of course you can prepare the crumble with any fruits you like! Bon appetit!

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