Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Muffins cu banane si iaurt (Banana Muffins with Yogurt)

          Aveam salvata reteta aceasta de briose si am zis sa o postez, daca tot nu am muffins in cartea mea virtuala :) Stiu ca in ultimul timp tot dulciuri apar pe blog, dar asta nu inseamna ca nu am mai gatit, dimpotriva, insa stiti cum e cand pozele nu sunt reusite, sau reteta nu e pe gustul meu, sau pentru ca pur si simplu nu a iesit cum trebuia, ca macarons-urile mele :)  dar nu ma dau batuta promit! Astazi o sa prepar o portie de legume gratinate care va fi next pe lista de postari :) ok, si acum sa vorbim de muffins.                        
         Pentru ca imi place deosebit de mult Checul cu Banane, am vrut sa fac si niste briose cu banane si iaurt, ca tot il aveam in frigider :) Reteta am preluat-o de pe allrecipes, insa eu nu am pus fulgii de ciocolata, cred ca v-am mai spus ca mie nu imi place ciocolata in prajituri prea tare :) Au iesit minunate, parfumate si bune, de-ti venea sa mananci cu cate 2 maini :))) Reteta are review-uri foarte bune, asa ca va invit sa o preluati si voi!
         I had this muffins recipe saved and I wanted to post it, since I didn't have any muffins recipe in my list :) I know that lately I only posted sweet recipes, but that doesn't mean that I don't cook, contrary, but you know how it is when the photos aren't good, or the recipe is not what you expected, or maybe it didn't turn out like it should, like my macarons :) but I won't give up, I promise! Today I'm gonna make some vegetable gratin which will be next on my blog :) Ok, so let's talk now about these muffins.
         Since Banana Bread is one of my favorites, I wanted to make some muffins as well, this time using yogurt. I've used a slightly modified recipe from allrecipes, but without any chocolate chips, I think I mentioned to you that I don't like chocolate in my desserts too much :) They turned out lovely, with a beautiful flavor, that you would wanna eat with both your hands :)) The recipe has great reviews, so I invite you to make it yourself as well!


220 g faina/220 g all purpose flour
130 g zahar brun/150 g brown sugar
1/2 lingurita bicarbonat/1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 lingurita praf decopt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder
 un vf de sare/pinch of salt
1 ou/1 egg
125 ml ulei (am folosit ulei de seminte de struguri)/125 ml oil (I've used grapeseed oil)
125 ml iaurt simplu/125 ml plain yogurt
3 banane coapte/3 ripe bananas     

Cum se face/How it's made:     

Intr-un bol amestecam faina cu zaharul, sarea, praful de copt si bicarbonatul.
Intr-un bol separat amestecam impreuna oul cu iaurtul si uleiul.
In a large bowl we combine flour with sugar, salt, baking powder and baking soda all together.
In a separate bowl we mix together the egg, yogurt and oil.

Zdrobim cu furculita 2 banane si jumatate, cealalta jumatate eu am lasat-o pentru decor.
We mash with a fork 2 1/2 bananas, the other half I left it for decorating.

Tapetam o tava de briose cu hartiutele in forma de lalea sau "tulip cups".
We place "tulip" cups" in a muffin pan.

Ne apucam de amestecat ingredientele.
We start combining the ingredients.

 Incorporam amestecul de ou in ingredientele uscate usor cu o spatula, iar la sfarsit incorporam si bananele zdrobite.         
 We gently fold the egg mixture into the dry ingredients, and at the end we fold the mashed bananas as well. 

Punem compozitie in fiecare forma si cate o felie de banana in mijloc (optional).
We place batter in each cup and one slice of banana in the middle (optional).      

Punem tava in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 20-25 minute. Cand sunt gata le scoatem pe un gratar.
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 20-25 minutes. When they're done, we place them on a rack.              

Mirosul ce venea din formele frumoase de lalea era divin!/The smell coming from the beautiful tulip forms was heavenly!

Mai de aproape.../Closer...

Si interiorul briosei...Bon appetit!/And the inside of a muffin...Bon appetit!

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