Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chec cu capsuni (Strawberry Bread)

        Aveam niste capsuni ramase in frigider si cum nu mai facusem un chec de ceva timp am cautat rapid o reteta si in 15 minute checul era in cuptor deja. Dupa ce mi-a imbatat casa cu mirosul absolut superb, am gustat asa caldut o felie ca nu m-am putut rabda :)) Perfect aromat si numai bun cu un pahar de lapte la micul dejun!  Reteta e de pe allrecipes, usor modificata de mine.
        I had some strawberries in the fridge and since I haven't had a sweet bread in a while, I searched the net for a good recipe and in 15 minutes, my strawberry bread was already in the oven. After filling my house with a heavenly smell, I couldn't resist and ate a slice, fresh from the oven :)) Deliciously flavored and just perfect with a glass of milk for breakfast! I followed a recipe from allrecipes, slightly modified.


  300 g capsuni/300 g strawberries
  250 g faina/250 g all purpose flour
  130 g zahar/130 g sugar
  130 ml ulei/130 ml vegetable oil
  2 oua/2 eggs
  zahar vanilat/1 vanilla sugar
  1/2 lta praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
  1 vf de sare/a pinch of salt

Cum se face/How it's made:       

Spalam capsunile, le taiem bucatele si le zdrobim usor intr-un bol.
We wash the strawberries, chop and smash them slightly in a bowl.

Odata zdrobite adaugam  ouale si uleiul si amestecam bine.
We add eggs and oil and mix very well.

Intr-un alt bol amestecam faina cu zaharul, praful de copt, sarea si zaharul vanilat.
Adaugam compozitia lichida la cea uscata, incorporand-o usor cu o spatula de silicon, cat sa se amestece putin cu faina.
In a bowl we combine flour with sugar, baking powder, salt and vanilla sugar.
We add the wet ingredients to the flour mixture and we gently fold it with a silicone spatula without over folding.

Punem compozitia intr-o tava tapetata si dam la cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 45 minute. Cand e gata, lasam checul sa se raceasca pe un gratar.
We place the batter in a greased and floured pan and we place the baking pan in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. When it's done, we let the strawberry bread cool on a rack.

Atat de simplu ca si un copil poate face checul acesta. Parfumat cu bucatele mici de capsuni, mmmm...
It's so easy to make that even a child can do it. Flavored with small strawberry pieces, mmmm...

 Mai de aproape...Bon appetit!
Closer...Bon appetit!    


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