Saturday, June 4, 2011

Ciorba de ardei umpluti (Stuffed Peppers Soup)

            Desi imi place foarte mult supa de ardei umpluti o pregatesc destul de rar acasa deoarece sotul meu nu e fan supe cu bulion si banuiesc ca noi toate incercam sa gatim pe gustul intregii familii de obicei, nu? Din cand in cand o incerc totusi in speranta ca voi obtine aroma deosebita pe care i-o dadea bunica mea si chiar daca nu e la fel, amintirea e foarte frumoasa! La mine fiecare mancare are o anumita istorioara si mereu corelez aroma cu amintirea :) Cum afara caldura inca nu a preluat controlul de tot, am zis ca e o ocazie buna sa pregatesc ciorba aceasta :)
          Aceasta reteta merge si la YBR, provocarea organizata de Nancy de la SpicieFoodie! Va recomand cu mult drag blogul ei, e unul dintre cele mai bune!
           Though I love stuffed peppers soup I rarely make it since my husband is not a huge fan of tomato based soups and I guess all of us try to cook food that all family enjoys right? Once in a while I make this soup hoping that I'll get that special flavour my grandma's soup used to have, and even though it's never the same, the way I remember it is always special :) For me every dish has a history and I always relate the flavour to my memory :)  Because heat didn't take control outside yet, I thought it'd be a great occasion to cook this delicious soup :)
            This recipe also goes to YBR, the challenge organised by Nancy from SpicieFoodie! I greatly recommend her blog, as it's one of the best out there! 


400 g carne tocata  porc/400 g ground pork
100 g orez bob mic/100 g Arborio rice
8-10 ardei mici dulci/8-10 small sweet peppers
2 morcovi/2 carrots
2 patrunjei radacina/2 parsley roots
1/4 telina/1/4 celery root
2 cepe/2 onions
1 rosie mare/1 big tomato
300 ml bulion/300 ml tomato sauce
1 lingura faina/1 tablespoon with flour
patrunjel frunze/parsley leaves
sare, piper/salt, pepper            

Cum se face/How it's made:  

Mai intai pregatim umplutura de carne/We first prepare the meat filling:
Intr-un castron punem carnea, orezul spalat, o ceapa tocata marunt, sare, piper si le amestecam bine.
In a bowl we combine meat, washed rice, one chopped onion, salt and pepper.

Spalam bine ardeii, taiem capacul si scobim cu grija miezul si semintele din interiorul ardeiului. Ii scobim pe toti si ii dam deoparte.
We wash the peppers and we roundly cut the tops off and we discard stems and seeds. We set aside.

Curatim ceapa, si radacinoasele si le tocam toate marunt.
We peel vegetables and chop them.  

Intr-o oala prajim putin ceapa, adaugam legumele tocate si punem cam 2 litri de apa si sare.
In a large pot, we  fry the onion, we add the vegetables and 2 litres of water plus some salt.  

Pana cand supa incepe sa fiarba, umplem ardeii cu carne si ii presaram cu putina faina la capete, ca sa nu iasa carnea.
Until the soup starts to boil, we stuff the peppers with the meat filling and we sprinkle some flour at the ends, so the meat doesn't get out.   

Cand apa incepe sa fiarba adaugam ardeii cu grija si ii lasam sa fiarba pana cand orezul este moale.
When the soup starts to boil we add the stuffed peppers carefully and we let the soup boil until the rice is cooked.

Cand ardeii sunt fierti, intr-o tigaie prajim faina cu putin ulei si adaugam bulionul, amestecam bine si adaugam la supa. Amestecam bine, lasam sa fiarba vreo 2 minute si adaugam patrunjel tocat si condimente.
When the peppers are done, in a skillet we fry the flour with some oil, we add the tomato sauce and we pour it in the soup. We stir and we let it boil for another 2 minutes and we add chopped parsley and spices.

Servim cu multa pofta. Se poate pune smantana daca va place, eu o prefer simpla. Bon appetit!
We serve the soup with lots of appetite. You can add sour cream if you desire. I prefer it simple. Bon appetit!

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