Friday, June 24, 2011

Popsicles cu iaurt si capsuni (Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles)

          Vara e aici cu temperaturi ridicate si umiditate maxima (cel putin in Toronto), asa ca ce poate fi mai bun  decat o inghetata de fructe si iaurt :) eu de pofta mi-am cumparat niste forme banale de la Dollar Store ca inca nu am avut timp sa-mi iau ceva mai serios si am trecut la treaba! capsuni + iaurt = Love!!! deci dragoste la prima degustare :)) au iesit niste minunatii de popsicles, mai bune decat inghetata de la supermarket, unde mai pui ca sunt mult mai sanatoase si poti inventa o gramada de combinatii! Abia astept sa-mi iau forme mai mari, am vazut de la Tovolo care imi plac, asa ca urmeaza o serie de Popsicles la mine pe blog pe perioada verii :)
          Summer is here with high temperatures and high humydity  (at least in Toronto), so what can be more delicious than a Fruit and Yogurt Popsicle :) I bought some popsicle molds from the Dollar store, since I didn't have any time to buy something more serious yet and I started!  Strawberries + Yogurt = Love!!! so love at first bite :)) I made some terrific popsicles, far better than the ice cream you buy at the supermarket, plus they're more healthy and you can make amazing combinations! I can't wait to buy bigger and prettier molds, I saw some from Tovolo, so a new series of posicles will show up on my blog this summer!


300 g capsuni/300 g strawberries
150 ml iaurt simplu/150 ml plain yogurt          
1-2 linguri de miere/1-2 tablespoons with honey
forme pt inghetata/ice pop molds

Cum se face/How it's made:

Spalam capsunile si le uscam pe servet de hartie.
We wash the strawberries and we dry them on paper towels.

Cu un blender vertical, zdrobim capsunile pana obtinem o pasta.(puteti elimina samburii cu o sita, eu am lasat asa)
With a hand blender we mash the strawberries until we have a paste (you can remoce the seeds using a sieve, I didn't bother)

 Adaugam iaurtul si mierea (in functie de cat de dulce preferati) si amestecam bine (eu nu am mai pus suc de lamaie pentru ca nu a fost nevoie). Turnam in forme.
We add yogurt and honey (depending on how sweet you want them) and we mix very well (I didn't put any lemon juice, it wasn't necessary). We pour in the molds.

Umplem formele si punem capacele.
We fill the molds with liquid and we cover with the lids.

Le punem in congelator pentru cel putin 5-6 ore (cel mai bine peste noapte). Ca sa le scoatem din forme, le scufundam in apa fierbinte pentru 5 secunde. Voila!
We place the molds in the freezer for at least 5-6 hours (it's best overnight). To remove the popsicles from the molds, we place them in hot water for 5 seconds. Voila!

Bune si racoritoare, exact ce-ti doresti cand e cald afara!
Good and refreshing, exactly what you want when it's hot outside!

 Sunt frumos colorate si delicioase, copiii sunt foarte incantati cand le vad!
They're pretty and delicious, children are always happy to see them!

Mai de aproape.../Closer...

Si una pentru voi!!! Bon appetit!
And one for you!!! Bon appetit!


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