Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

        Pentru ca azi, 1 iulie, e ziua nationala a Canadei, am vrut sa postez ceva in semn de sarbatoare, de aceea vedeti si poza cu steagul Canadei. Toata lumea are un weekend prelungit cu acest prilej incepand cu ziua de vineri, ceea ce nu ne poate decat bucura foarte tare. Fata de Romania, care are zile libere in mijlocul saptamanii (sau cum pica), Canada are multe long weekend-uri (sarbatorile sunt la sfarsit sau inceput de saptamana, si atunci se transforma in 3 zile libere consecutive), aproximativ 10 pe an, si sunt niste ocazii foarte bune pentru excursii scurte sau reuniuni cu prietenii, etc...
        Cel mai tare ne bucuram ca in sfarsit vedem si simtim ca e vara in toata puterea cuvantului, finally!!! Pentru ca e o vreme absolut superba de iesit cu bicicleta, noi vom face iarasi o tura lunga cu bicicletele pe trail, care este un traseu cu teren neasfaltat ce impanzeste orasul, creat special pentru cei care se plimba, alearga sau pentru biciclisti. Frumusetea trailului consta in faptul ca este imprejmuit de copaci si multa verdeata, ce iti dau senzatia ca treci prin padure si te fac sa uiti ca locuiesti in aceasta metropola. Pentru ca weekend-ul trecut am fost cu bicicletele pe un trail de acest gen, ce-i drept ca mai scurt (vreo 10 km, sunt trailuri care strabat orasul de la nord la sud de 30 km), o sa pun niste poze din drumul nostru.
        Va doresc tuturor un weekend superb si celor care stati in Canada, Happy Canada Day!
        Since today, July 1st, is Canada's National Day, I wanted to post something symbolic, that's why you see Canada's flag at the title. Everyone is having a long weekend starting today, and that can only make us very happy. Comparing to Romania who celebrates all kind of days in the middle of the week (Wednesday - day off for example), Canada has many long weekends, like 10 per year and I find them really great opportunities for short trips or friend reunions, etc...
        We are glad that you can finally see and feel that summer is here!!! Because the weather is gorgeous for bicycling, for sure we'll take another tour on a trail, which is an unpaved pedestrian path, very often available for cyclists as well, which goes through the whole city. The beauty of it is that it's surrounded by trees that make you feel that you're in a small forest and almost forget that you're living in a huge city. Since last weekend we took a tour on a trail, though shorter (like 10 km), I'll post some photos from that day.
         I wish you all a great weekend and for those of you who live in Canada, Happy Canada Day!

Deci, sa pornim! printre case, spre trail...vremea era absolut minunata!
So, let's go! to the trail...the weather was totally amazing!

Yonge St...

Ne oprim sa vedem harta cu traseul nostru...
We stop to take a look of the trail's map...

Multa verdeata peste tot, copaci, mirosul puternic al naturii ne insotea :)
A lot of green, trees, and nature's fresh smell was surrounding us :)

In drumul nostru umbre interesante date de copaci...
On our way, beautiful trees and shadows...

Ne oprisem pe un pod mic unde am admirat pentru o secunda razele soarelui ce se reflectau in apa...
We stopped on a small bridge to admire the way that the sun shine was reflected in the water...

Am trecut printr-un parc unde se afla si un grajd cu cai, pentru ore de echitatie; fetita era innebunita dupa cal!
We also ran through a park where there was a Stable where you could take horse riding lessons; the little girl was crazy about that horse!

Indreptandu-ne spre casa am trecut prin parc unde oamenii erau adunati cu familiile lor la picnic...vremea era perfecta pentru asta :)
Heading back home we ran through the park where people were gathered with their families for a picnic...they had the perfect weather for that :)

  Si odata ajunsi acasa am incheiat ziua noastra superba cu un asfintit minunat vazut de pe balcon, care a venit sa sublinieze importanta si frumusetea fiecarui moment, pentru ca fericirea consta in toate aceste mici lucruri!
  Carpe Diem prieteni dragi!
 Once we were home, we ended our day with a lovely sunset seen from the balcony, who came to mark how important and beautiful each moment is, because happiness is about all these small things!
 Carpe Diem my friends!

Nu puteam incheia ziua decat cu muzica ce ma face sa visez...
I couldn't end this day without the music that makes me dream...

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