Friday, June 17, 2011

Tian de legume (Vegetable Tian)

        De multa vreme am vrut sa fac tianul de legume si sa-l postez, dar tot am asteptat sa-mi cumpar o forma ceramica colorata ca sa o inaugurez cu splendoarea de culori ale legumelor :) nu stiu cum se face, dar tot cautand una care sa-mi placa nu am apucat sa cumpar inca, asa ca am pregatit tianul anyway :) reteta e foarte simplu de preparat si extrem de creativa in sensul ca se pot pune ce legume doriti, plus ca e perfecta pentru caldurile de afara, e usoara si delicioasa! noua ne-a placut atat de mult ca am facut-o de 2 ori intr-o saptamana :)
        I wanted to make this vegetable tian a long time ago, but I kept waiting to buy a colorful ceramic dish so I can obtain an overall beautiful color :) searching for "the" dish, I haven't bought it yet, so I prepared the tian anyway :) the recipe is very easy to make and extremely creative since you can use whatever vegetables you like, plus it's perfect for the hot weather outside, because it's very light and delicious! we liked it so much that I prepared it twice in one week :)


1 vanata mica/1 baby eggplant
1 zuchini/1 zucchini
4 cartofi de 4 feluri (cartof alb, mov, pt copt, si dulce)/4 types of potatoes (white, purple, for baking and sweet) 
5-6 ciuperci mari albe/5-6 big white mushrooms
3 rosii mari/3 Roma tomatoes
1 ceapa/1 onion
2 catei usturoi/2 garlic cloves   
3 linguri ulei de masline/3 tablespoons olive oil
sare, piper/salt, pepper


       In poza apare mai mult material decat am folosit pt o tava. In functie de marimea tavii puteti folosi mai multe sau mai putine./In the photo there are more ingredients that I actually used. Depending on the dish size, you can use more or less vegetables.

Cum se face/How it's made:      

Curatam ceapa si cateii de usturoi si tocam ceapa (eu am pus si rosie putin) marunt. Intr-o tigaie prajim ceapa putin si la final adaugam usturoiul tocat. Dam deoparte si punem ceapa intr-o tava unsa in prealabil cu putin ulei.
We peel the onion and the garlic cloves and we chop the onion (I used some red onion as well). In a skillet we fry the onion and at the end we add the crushed garlic. We place the fried onion in an oiled rectangular baking dish.

Spalam foarte bine legumele cu tot cu coaja si le uscam cu un servet de hartie. Le taiem felii cu un slicer sau cu mana daca nu aveti, doar sa fie relativ subtiri si uniform taiate. Ar trebui sa aiba maxim 1 cm in grosime.
We  wash the vegetables very well with their skin on and we dry them with paper towels. We slice them all using a mandolin slicer, or by hand if you don't have one, just make sure the slices are the same size. They should be 1/4 inch thick slices.   

Asezam feliile de legume alternativ in strat uniform peste ceapa. Eu am facut 3 randuri.
We place the vegetable slices alternately on top of the onion. I made 3 lines.             

Condimentam cu multa sare pentru ca sunt foarte dulci, adaugam piper, putin cimbru uscat (dupa gust) si picuram cate un strop de ulei peste legume. Acoperim tava cu folie de aluminiu si o introducem in cuptorul preincins la 185 grade pentru cca 35 minute. Dupa 35 min, presaram Parmezan, luam folia jos si mai punem in cuptor pentru inca 25 de minute. Dupa ce s-au rumenit frumos scoatem din cuptor. Servim cald simplu sau langa ceva friptura eventual.
We sprinkle lots of salt because they're very sweet, we add pepper, some thyme and we drizzle with a little bit of olive oil. We cover the dish with foil and we place it in the preheated oven at 370 degrees for 35 minutes. After 35 min, we remove the foil, we sprinkle Parmezan and we place the dish in the oven for another 25 minutes. When the vegetables are golden brown on top, we remove the baking dish from the oven. We serve them warm as they are or with steak if you prefer.     

Bon appetit!

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