Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

        Pentru ca azi, 1 iulie, e ziua nationala a Canadei, am vrut sa postez ceva in semn de sarbatoare, de aceea vedeti si poza cu steagul Canadei. Toata lumea are un weekend prelungit cu acest prilej incepand cu ziua de vineri, ceea ce nu ne poate decat bucura foarte tare. Fata de Romania, care are zile libere in mijlocul saptamanii (sau cum pica), Canada are multe long weekend-uri (sarbatorile sunt la sfarsit sau inceput de saptamana, si atunci se transforma in 3 zile libere consecutive), aproximativ 10 pe an, si sunt niste ocazii foarte bune pentru excursii scurte sau reuniuni cu prietenii, etc...
        Cel mai tare ne bucuram ca in sfarsit vedem si simtim ca e vara in toata puterea cuvantului, finally!!! Pentru ca e o vreme absolut superba de iesit cu bicicleta, noi vom face iarasi o tura lunga cu bicicletele pe trail, care este un traseu cu teren neasfaltat ce impanzeste orasul, creat special pentru cei care se plimba, alearga sau pentru biciclisti. Frumusetea trailului consta in faptul ca este imprejmuit de copaci si multa verdeata, ce iti dau senzatia ca treci prin padure si te fac sa uiti ca locuiesti in aceasta metropola. Pentru ca weekend-ul trecut am fost cu bicicletele pe un trail de acest gen, ce-i drept ca mai scurt (vreo 10 km, sunt trailuri care strabat orasul de la nord la sud de 30 km), o sa pun niste poze din drumul nostru.
        Va doresc tuturor un weekend superb si celor care stati in Canada, Happy Canada Day!
        Since today, July 1st, is Canada's National Day, I wanted to post something symbolic, that's why you see Canada's flag at the title. Everyone is having a long weekend starting today, and that can only make us very happy. Comparing to Romania who celebrates all kind of days in the middle of the week (Wednesday - day off for example), Canada has many long weekends, like 10 per year and I find them really great opportunities for short trips or friend reunions, etc...
        We are glad that you can finally see and feel that summer is here!!! Because the weather is gorgeous for bicycling, for sure we'll take another tour on a trail, which is an unpaved pedestrian path, very often available for cyclists as well, which goes through the whole city. The beauty of it is that it's surrounded by trees that make you feel that you're in a small forest and almost forget that you're living in a huge city. Since last weekend we took a tour on a trail, though shorter (like 10 km), I'll post some photos from that day.
         I wish you all a great weekend and for those of you who live in Canada, Happy Canada Day!

Deci, sa pornim! printre case, spre trail...vremea era absolut minunata!
So, let's go! to the trail...the weather was totally amazing!

Yonge St...

Ne oprim sa vedem harta cu traseul nostru...
We stop to take a look of the trail's map...

Multa verdeata peste tot, copaci, mirosul puternic al naturii ne insotea :)
A lot of green, trees, and nature's fresh smell was surrounding us :)

In drumul nostru umbre interesante date de copaci...
On our way, beautiful trees and shadows...

Ne oprisem pe un pod mic unde am admirat pentru o secunda razele soarelui ce se reflectau in apa...
We stopped on a small bridge to admire the way that the sun shine was reflected in the water...

Am trecut printr-un parc unde se afla si un grajd cu cai, pentru ore de echitatie; fetita era innebunita dupa cal!
We also ran through a park where there was a Stable where you could take horse riding lessons; the little girl was crazy about that horse!

Indreptandu-ne spre casa am trecut prin parc unde oamenii erau adunati cu familiile lor la picnic...vremea era perfecta pentru asta :)
Heading back home we ran through the park where people were gathered with their families for a picnic...they had the perfect weather for that :)

  Si odata ajunsi acasa am incheiat ziua noastra superba cu un asfintit minunat vazut de pe balcon, care a venit sa sublinieze importanta si frumusetea fiecarui moment, pentru ca fericirea consta in toate aceste mici lucruri!
  Carpe Diem prieteni dragi!
 Once we were home, we ended our day with a lovely sunset seen from the balcony, who came to mark how important and beautiful each moment is, because happiness is about all these small things!
 Carpe Diem my friends!

Nu puteam incheia ziua decat cu muzica ce ma face sa visez...
I couldn't end this day without the music that makes me dream...

Berry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette

I made this dressing last night and it is delicious! I love that this recipe will work with strawberries, raspberries, or blackberries. I made a strawberry vinaigrette out of it and just loved the flavor. This is a perfect summer dressing to go over spinach, strawberries, mandarin oranges, feta, pecans...whatever combination you choose! I don't think you can go wrong.

Berry Poppy Seed Vinaigrette
Recipe by Our Best Bites
I N G R E D I E N T S :
1/2 c. white wine vinegar
1/2 c. honey (or sugar)
1-2 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon grated onion (I left this out but think it would be good with or without)
1 tsp. kosher or other coarse salt
About 10 cracks of freshly ground black pepper
1 c. raspberries, blackberries, or strawberries
2/3 c. canola oil
1 1/2 tsp. poppy seeds
D I R E C T I O N S :
Combine the vinegar, honey, garlic, onion, salt, pepper, and berries in the jar of a blender. Blend until smooth and then, with the blender running, add the oil in a steady stream. Turn off the blender and whisk in the poppy seeds. If possible, refrigerate for at least an hour before serving.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

La Multi Ani iubitule!!! (Happy Birthday My Love!!!)

         Astazi e ziua de nastere a sufletului meu pereche, o zi pe care o sarbatoresc cu mult drag in fiecare an!  El e cel mai bun prieten al meu, e omul care ma completeaza intru totul si care-mi vrajeste lumea in fiecare zi si ma face sa visez! Dumnezeu l-a ales pentru mine sa-mi fie alaturi si nu pot decat sa-I multumesc in fiecare zi pentru cel mai bun sot din lume!
        La Multi Ani iubitule!!!  Te iubesc cu tot sufletul meu!
        Today is my soul mate's birthday, a day that I dearly celebrate each year! He's my best friend, the one who completes me in everything and who entrances my world and makes me dream! God chose him for me to stand beside me and I can only thank Him every day for the best husband in the world!
         Happy Birthday My Love!!! I love you with all my heart and soul! 

Mediterranean Pitas

Vegetarian-friendly and easily packed into a ziplog sandwich bag, these mediterranean pitas are perfect to bring anywhere and to anyone!


  • 1 medium size carrot
  • 1/4 of a large cucumber
  • 1/4 cup of kalamata olives
  • 1.4 cup of feta cheese, crumbled
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • mini pitas, cut in half

  1. Shred carrot. Peel and cut cucumber into matchsticks. Chop olives.
  2. In a medium size bowl, combine carrots, cucumbers, olives, feta cheese, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper.
  3. Toast mini pitas, and stuff with mixture.

  • 1 medium size carrot-$0.16
  • 1/4 of a large cucumber-($0.34 for an entire cucumber)-$0.09
  • 1/8-1/4 cup of kalamata olives ~($4.00 for a jar)- $80
  • 1/4 cup of feta cheese, crumbled-($2.38 for a cup) -$0.60
  • 1 lemon-$0.16
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • 2 pitas halves -($1.98 for 6 halves)-$0.67
Approximate Cost: $2.48 for one serving


Sicilian cheeses: la vastedda del Belice

Do you know what is the so-called "vastedda del Belice"? It's a local exquisite cheese coming from the area of Belice, in the province of Agrigento.

The vastedda, which is the only "pasta filata cheese" (or stretched cheese) is made from sheep and has an ivory color. In the past it was produced only in Summer (from May to October) but now you find it all year round. The experts used to produce it in summer to try to recuperate the pecorino cheeses that had come out with some defects. Infact the name itself in Sicilian dialect vasta or vastedda means wrong, gone bad.

Basically these pecorini were stretched at high temperature, creating a new kind of oval-shaped cheese that was perfect to be eaten fresh in few days and it was extremely tasty too! Farmers started to eat it with bread and tomatoes at their lunch break in the fields. Nowadays this local cheese is a POD and is produced in the provinces of Agrigento, Palermo and Trapani. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Budinca dulce de paste (Sweet Pasta Pudding)

         Trebuie sa va spun ca nu am tinut niciodata dieta la mancare, pe de o parte pentru ca sunt destul de slabuta pentru inaltimea mea si pe de alta parte pentru ca nu cred ca ma pot disciplina la capitolul acesta...ei, de cand am blogul am inceput sa prepar mai multe dulciuri si incepe sa se vada la cantar :)) nu mult, vreun 1-2 kg in plus, dar pentru mine e deja alarmant si e musai sa o las mai moale cu dulciurile si cu caloriile in mancare, cel putin pentru un timp...asta nu inseamna ca nu ma abat din cand in cand :) ca sa inchei seria de retete dulci din perioada recenta am zis sa prezint repede budinca de paste dulci, daca tot nu am mancat de foarte mult timp :)
         Budinca de taitei cu branza de vaci sau Vargabeles, este de origine ungureasca si e una dintre cele mai usoare retete de preparat, rapida si foarte apreciata de toata lumea, mai ales de cei mici :)
         I must say that I've never been on a food diet in my life, partly because I'm kind of skinny for my height and also because I can't really discipline myself when it comes to food...well, since I started posting recipes here I also began making more sweets and it's starting to show up on the scale :)) not too much, 1-2 kg more than usual, but for me that's an alarm signal and I must cut down on sweets and high calorie dishes, at least for a while...that doesn't mean I can't make exceptions once in a while :) to close the recent series of sweet recipes I thought I should post the Sweet Pasta Pudding recipe, since I can't remember when I last ate this delicious dessert :) 
         Sweet Pasta Pudding with Cottage Cheese or Vargabeles is a Hungarian recipe, very simple to make but highly appreciated by everyone, especially by kids :)


250 g paste/250 g pasta
250 g branza de vaci/250 g cottage cheese
100 g smantana/100 g sour cream
3 oua/3 eggs
5 linguri cu zahar (eu am folosit brun)/5 tablespoons with sugar (I used brown sugar)   
zahar vanilat/vanilla sugar 
coaja de lamaie/lemon peel 

Cum se face/How it's made:

Mai intai fierbem pastele conform instructiunilor de pe pachet, si cand sunt fierte le punem in strecuratoare si le lasam sa se raceasca putin.
Intr-un bol amestecam branza de vaci cu 2 galbenusuri, zaharul, coaja de lamaie si smantana.
We cook the pasta following the instructions on the package and when they're done, we drain them and let them cool slightly.
In a bowl we combine together cottage cheese with 2 egg yolks, sugar, lemon peel and sour cream.

Adaugam pastele scurse de apa si le amestecam bine.
We add the pasta and we combine them with the liquid.

Batem albusurile cu un varf de sare si le incorporam usor in compozitia de paste.
We beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt and we gently fold them in the pasta mixture.

Tapetam o forma cu unt si faina si punem compozitia de paste. Batem oul ramas si il turnam deasupra.
We grease and flour a baking dish and we place the pasta mixture. We beat the remained egg and we pour it on top.

Punem forma in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 35-40 minute, pana se rumeneste frumos deasupra.
We place the baking dish in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes, until it's golden brown on top.  

Lasam sa se raceasca si servim!
We let it cool slightly and then we serve!

Minunata la micul dejun! Bon appetit mes amis :) /Lovely for breakfast! Bon appetit mes amis :)

Eu am servit cu zmeura, e fructul meu preferat!!! se poate servi si cu nutella, dulceata de caise, etc...
I served it with raspberry, it's my favorite fruit of all!!! it can also be served with Nutella, apricot jam, etc...


Sunday, June 26, 2011

From the Sicilian food "Pasta alla Norma" to "La Norma" opera

I couldn't tell you about Pasta alla Norma without posting Casta Diva, the most famous aria of Vincenzo Bellini's masterpiece, La Norma, here sung by Maria Callas.

I hope you can appreciate it as much as I did, because I think that music is just as sublime as food. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Pasta alla Norma", what's the story of this incredible dish?

Do you know how to make pasta alla Norma? And what is the story of this Sicilian dish?
The pasta alla Norma is originally from Catania, the second bigger city in Sicily and is dedicated, just as the name suggests, at the famous opera lirica LA NORMA composed in 1831 by Vincenzo Bellini, a musician from Catania.

I have actually heard two different stories about this dish: the first one says that the name of the dish was given by a playwright Nino Martoglio, also from Catania. He was comparing the goodness of the pasta with the opera lirica and exclaimed: This is a Norma! (meaning as goos as the Norma...)

Second story is that while writing this masterpiece Vincenzo Bellini used to go to a restaurant and ordered always this dish of pasta, so the owner finally name it after his opera to homage Bellini. Besides, it is said that at those times the dish had a very special presentation: it was like a mountain-shaped plate of pasta with eggplants/aubergine at the bottom, all cut in pieces or slices and then on top the tomato sauce with grated salted ricotta covering everything. It was a very creative representation of the Mount Etna with its land, lava and snow.

Making the Norma is very easy if you have the right ingredients. For 6 people you will need:

600 gr maccheroni or spaghetti
500 ml tomato sauce
olive oil
grated salted ricotta
aromas (cinnamon, nutmeg)
2 eggplants or aubergines

In Sicily we have two varieties of eggplants or aubergines: the oval ones and the rounded ones. These last ones (the pic on the right) are the best and the most used in the kitchen because of their sweeter delicate taste. We call them "tunisine" which means Tunisian, allegedly because they used to come from there.
1. When we use eggplants/aubergine we cut them in slices or dices, depending on the dish we are gonna make and then we place them on a colander with abundant salt and leave it aside for about 15 minutes. My mother taught me since I was a kid that this is good for giving eggplants/aubergines a sweeter taste and letting release the bitter they contain. After that you just have to wash them under running water and they are ready to be cooked.

2. Second step is frying. In a pan put some olive oil and start frying your eggplants until they become slightly brown on both sides (not black!). For this dish you can either do slices or cubes, it doesn't really matter!

3. Prepare pasta as you normally do, boiling it in salted water. While pasta is cooking put some tomato sauce in a sauce pan with some fresh basil and adjust with salt, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to make it more parfumed.

4. As soon as pasta is drained cover it with the tomato sauce and the eggplants/aubergines and grate on top the salted ricotta or instead, if you don't have it, some parmisan cheese. It will still be delicious and you will just ask for more.

*In some families they also like to add some mozzarella cheese in cubes before serving the pasta. They mix all the ingredients together in the pan and then serve with the mozzarella still thready. It is just an addition to the original recipe, but I swear they are both unforgettable and suitable for vegeterians. Enjoy!

Thanks to my friend Giuseppe for sending me the picture of his lovely pasta alla Norma!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Popsicles cu iaurt si capsuni (Strawberry Yogurt Popsicles)

          Vara e aici cu temperaturi ridicate si umiditate maxima (cel putin in Toronto), asa ca ce poate fi mai bun  decat o inghetata de fructe si iaurt :) eu de pofta mi-am cumparat niste forme banale de la Dollar Store ca inca nu am avut timp sa-mi iau ceva mai serios si am trecut la treaba! capsuni + iaurt = Love!!! deci dragoste la prima degustare :)) au iesit niste minunatii de popsicles, mai bune decat inghetata de la supermarket, unde mai pui ca sunt mult mai sanatoase si poti inventa o gramada de combinatii! Abia astept sa-mi iau forme mai mari, am vazut de la Tovolo care imi plac, asa ca urmeaza o serie de Popsicles la mine pe blog pe perioada verii :)
          Summer is here with high temperatures and high humydity  (at least in Toronto), so what can be more delicious than a Fruit and Yogurt Popsicle :) I bought some popsicle molds from the Dollar store, since I didn't have any time to buy something more serious yet and I started!  Strawberries + Yogurt = Love!!! so love at first bite :)) I made some terrific popsicles, far better than the ice cream you buy at the supermarket, plus they're more healthy and you can make amazing combinations! I can't wait to buy bigger and prettier molds, I saw some from Tovolo, so a new series of posicles will show up on my blog this summer!


300 g capsuni/300 g strawberries
150 ml iaurt simplu/150 ml plain yogurt          
1-2 linguri de miere/1-2 tablespoons with honey
forme pt inghetata/ice pop molds

Cum se face/How it's made:

Spalam capsunile si le uscam pe servet de hartie.
We wash the strawberries and we dry them on paper towels.

Cu un blender vertical, zdrobim capsunile pana obtinem o pasta.(puteti elimina samburii cu o sita, eu am lasat asa)
With a hand blender we mash the strawberries until we have a paste (you can remoce the seeds using a sieve, I didn't bother)

 Adaugam iaurtul si mierea (in functie de cat de dulce preferati) si amestecam bine (eu nu am mai pus suc de lamaie pentru ca nu a fost nevoie). Turnam in forme.
We add yogurt and honey (depending on how sweet you want them) and we mix very well (I didn't put any lemon juice, it wasn't necessary). We pour in the molds.

Umplem formele si punem capacele.
We fill the molds with liquid and we cover with the lids.

Le punem in congelator pentru cel putin 5-6 ore (cel mai bine peste noapte). Ca sa le scoatem din forme, le scufundam in apa fierbinte pentru 5 secunde. Voila!
We place the molds in the freezer for at least 5-6 hours (it's best overnight). To remove the popsicles from the molds, we place them in hot water for 5 seconds. Voila!

Bune si racoritoare, exact ce-ti doresti cand e cald afara!
Good and refreshing, exactly what you want when it's hot outside!

 Sunt frumos colorate si delicioase, copiii sunt foarte incantati cand le vad!
They're pretty and delicious, children are always happy to see them!

Mai de aproape.../Closer...

Si una pentru voi!!! Bon appetit!
And one for you!!! Bon appetit!


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Grilled Chicken with Cucumber Peach Salsa

1 1/2 lb. chicken breast grilled
1/2 cucumber diced
1 peach skinned and diced
1/3 cup peach preserves
1 tablespoon fresh parsley

Mix together diced cucumber, diced peach, parsley and 2 tablespoons of preserves. Can be made ahead of time so flavors can blend. While grilling, brush remaining preserves on chicken. Spoon cucumber peach salsa over chicken and serve.

Nonna’s Pasta E Fagioli

2 cup water
4 garlic cloves minced
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 8-oz. can tomato sauce
2 16-oz. can cannellini beans
1 pound of ditalini or elbow macaroni
1 tablespoon parsley
grated cheese
Gently fry garlic in oil 
Add tomato sauce and water, and simmer 10 minutes
Add beans, stir gently, simmer
Cook pasta al dente, drain, and add to bean mixture
Add parsley, stir entire mixture gently
Simmer for a few minutes longer, and serve with grated cheese
Serves 8
brown 1/2 lb ground turkey or beef, drain, and add to mixture before you add pasta
Substitute cannellini beans for sweet peas, lima beans, blackeyed peas

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Negresa cu cireșe (Cherry Brownies)

          Luna aceasta provocarea "Dulce Romanie" a fost gazduita de draguta de Antonina, care a propus ca ingrediente principale menta si cireșele. Cum eu nu sunt fan prea mare al mentei, decat in ceai si alte cateva bauturi, am ales sa fac ceva delicios si anume negresa cu cireșe cu care sa particip la provocare. Cred ca este o dulcegarie minunata care scoate in relief foarte tare aroma cireșelor dulci, iar in combinatie cu ciocolata este fantastica!
         Am cautat pe net retete pentru brownie si cea care mi-a placut cel mai mult a fost cea vazuta la Clipe dulci si parfumate, arata spectaculos! Negresa mi-a iesit superb, desi o idee mai amara decat mi-ar fi placut, am fost atat de concentrata la reteta, incat am uitat sa verific cat de dulce e inainte sa o pun la cuptor, dar lasand la o parte asta a fost delicioasa, ciocolatoasa si aromata exact cum trebuie sa fie, un desert pacatos! Mirosul din casa era to die for, nu alta, iar atunci cand imbuci din ea, papilele gustative sunt inundate de combinatia de arome dintre ciocolata si cireșe, mmmm, divin! pentru cei care iubiti ciocolata este un MUST sa incercati reteta!
         This month Romania's "Sweet Challenge" was hosted by Antonina, who chose Mint and Cherries as main ingredients. Since I'm not a huge fan of Mint, other than maybe tea and a couple more drinks, I chose to use Cherries to make a Cherry Brownie for this challenge. I think it's a wonderful dessert which brings out the flavour from the sweet cherries, and combined with chocolate it's fantastic!
         I've been browsing the web for a brownie recipe and I found one that I liked most at Clipe dulci si parfumate, it looks spectacular! My Cherry Brownie turned out beautifully, though a little more bitter than I wanted it, I was so concentrated following the recipe that I forgot to taste the batter before I placed it in the oven, but besides that it was delicious, with lots of chocolate as it should be, a sinful dessert! The smell was to die for, and the moment you took a bite, your taste buds were flooded with the combination of flavors between chocolate and cherries, mmmmm, divine! for those of you who love chocolate this recipe is a MUST!


120 g unt la temp camerei/120 g butter at room temp
150 g faina/150 g all purpose flour
150 g zahar/150 g sugar
3 oua/3 eggs
200 g iaurt simplu sau cu cireșe/200 g plain or cherry yogurt
4 linguri cacao/4 tablespoons with cocoa
100 g ciocolata neagra taiata bucatele/100 g chopped dark chocolate
300 g cireșe fara samburi/300 g pitted cherries
1/2 lta praf de copt/1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
1 vf de sare/1 pinch of salt
Cum se face/How it's made:  

Nota:   Pentru o negresa delicioasa, va recomand sa folositi cacao de calitate foarte buna (eu aveam de la Hersheys) si ciocolata de minim 70% continut de cacao. Daca vreti sa aiba un gust mai dulce si nu usor amarui, va recomand sa folositi ciocolata cu lapte in loc de ciocolata neagra, cu mentiunea ca va fi mai deschisa la culoare desigur.
Note:   For a delicious brownie I recommend you use good quality cocoa (I had Hersheys) and chocolate with minimum 70% cocoa. If you prefer a sweeter brownie not bitter-sweet, I recommend you replace the dark chocolate with milk chocolate, with the note that the color will be lighter obvious.

Mai intai spalam foarte bine ciresele si le scoatem samburii (eu am avut unealta pt asta)
We first wash the cherries and remove the pit of each cherry with a cherry pitter.

Intr-un bol mare, amestecam untul aflat la temperatura camerei cu zaharul, pana devine ca o crema si incorporam treptat galbenusurile.
In a large bowl we mix the butter with the sugar until we obtain a smooth cream and we slowly add the yolks in one at a time.

Adaugam iaurtul, in cazul meu iaurt de cireșe si amestecam.
We add the yogurt, in my case cherry yogurt and we mix.

Intr-un bol separat combinam faina cu cacao, praf de copt si sare si incorporam treptat ingredientele uscate la compozitia de unt.
In a separate bowl we combine the flour with the cocoa, salt and baking powder and we gently fold the dry ingredients in the butter mixture.          

Adaugam ciocolata taiata bucati iar apoi albusurile batute spuma, incorporand usor (era sa uit de ciocolata :)))
We add the chopped chocolate and after that the whipped egg whites slowly folding them in the mixture (I almost forgot about the chocolate :))0

Tapetam o tava cu unt si faina si intindem frumos compozitia de negresa.(tava mea are 33x22 cm) si adaugam ciresele scurse de zeama si fara samburi.
We grease and flour a baking pan and we spread the brownie batter evenly.(my pan is 33x22 cm) and we add the drained and pitted cherries.

Introducem in cuptorul preincalzit la 175 grade pentru 25-30 minute (eu am lasat doar 22 minute), cu mentiunea ca negresa nu trebuie lasata mult in cuptor sa nu se usuce; e gata cand introduceti o scobitoare in mijloc si iese fara aluat pe ea, dar totusi umeda.
We place the pan in the preheated oven at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes (I left it for 22 min), with the note that the brownie doesn't have to stay in the oven too much, because it gets dry; it's ready when a wooden toothpick inserted in the middle comes out without any batter on it, but still moist.

O scoatem din cuptor, o lasam sa se raceasca pe un gratar si o taiem dreptunghiuri.
We remove it from the oven, we let it cool down on a rack and we slice it in rectangle cuts.

Delicios, o sa va lingeti pe degete!
Delicious, you'll lick your fingers!

Checul este umed, ciocolatos si aromat la maxim!
The brownie is moist, packed with melted chocolate and lots of flavour!         

Si acum atacam!!! Bon appetit mes amis!
And now we attack!!! Bon appetit mes amis!